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    10 months ago

    How about not fiddling with indices?

    JQ Notfiddlingwithindexification

    #!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f
    # Dish to grid
    [ inputs / "" ]
    # Tilt UP
    | transpose                       # Transpose, for easier RE use
    | map(                            #
      ("#" + add) | [                 # For each column,   replace '^' with '#'
        scan("#[O.]*") | [            # From '#' get empty spaces and 'O' rocks
          "#", scan("O"), scan("\\.") # Let gravity do it's work.
        ]                             #
      ] | add[1:]                     # Add groups back together
     )                                #
    | transpose                       # Transpose back
    # For each row, count  'O'  rocks
    | map(add | [scan("O")] | length)
    # Add total load on "N" beam
    | [0] + reverse | to_entries
    | map( .key * .value ) | add

    Similarly tired with index fiddling, I was pretty happy with my approach, which led to satisfying transpose cancelling in part 2. Not the fastest code out there, but it works. Day 14 was actually my favorite one so far ^^.