Day 3: Gear Ratios

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  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
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  • soulsource
    10 months ago

    [Language: Lean4]

    I’ll only post the actual parsing and solution. I have written some helpers which are in other files, as is the main function. For the full code, please see my github repo.

    Here I used HashMap and HashSet, but that’s just an optimization. I’m not even sure if they are faster than just using lists here…

    import Lean.Data.HashSet
    import Lean.Data.HashMap
    namespace Day3
    structure Coordinate : Type 0 where
      x : Nat
      y : Nat
      deriving Repr, BEq, Ord, Hashable
    def Coordinate.default : Coordinate := {x := 0, y := 0}
    /--Returns the adjacent fields, row-major order (this is important)-/
    def Coordinate.adjacents : Coordinate → List Coordinate
    | { x := 0, y := 0} => [
        ⟨0,1⟩,           ⟨1,1⟩
    | { x := 0, y := y} => [
        ⟨0,y.pred⟩,      ⟨1,y.pred⟩,
        ⟨0,y.succ⟩,      ⟨1,y.succ⟩
    | { x := x, y := 0} => [
        ⟨x.pred,0⟩,                  ⟨x.succ,0⟩,
        ⟨x.pred,1⟩,      ⟨x,1⟩,      ⟨x.succ,1⟩
    | { x := x, y := y} => [
        ⟨x.pred,y.pred⟩, ⟨x,y.pred⟩, ⟨x.succ,y.pred⟩,
        ⟨x.pred,y⟩,                  ⟨x.succ,y⟩,
        ⟨x.pred,y.succ⟩, ⟨x,y.succ⟩, ⟨x.succ,y.succ⟩
    structure Part : Type 0 where
      symbol : Char
      position : Coordinate
      deriving Repr
    structure PartNumber : Type 0 where
      value : Nat
      positions : List Coordinate
      deriving Repr, BEq
    -- Schematic is just using lists, because at this point it's not clear what kind of lookup
    -- is needed in part 2... Probably some kind of HashMap Coordinate Whatever, but that's
    -- guesswork for now...
    -- Parts can refine the data further, anyhow.
    structure Schematic : Type 0 where
      parts : List Part
      numbers : List PartNumber
      deriving Repr
    /-- nextByChar gives the coordinate of the **next** character. -/
    private def Coordinate.nextByChar : Coordinate → Char → Coordinate
    | {x := _, y := oldY}, '\n' => { x := 0, y := oldY + 1 }
    | {x := oldX, y := oldY}, _ => { x := oldX + 1, y := oldY }
    private def extractParts : List (Coordinate × Char) → List Part :=
      ( (uncurry $ flip ∘ (List.filter $ not ∘ λ (sc : Coordinate × Char) ↦ sc.snd.isWhitespace || sc.snd.isDigit || sc.snd == '.')
    private def extractPartNumbers (input : List (Coordinate × Char)) : List PartNumber :=
      let rec helper := λ
      | [], none => []
      | [], some acc => [acc] -- if we are still accumulating a number at the end, commit
      | a :: as, none =>
        if p: a.snd.isDigit then
          --start accumulating a PartNumber
          helper as $ some {value := a.snd.asDigit p, positions := [a.fst]}
          --not accumulating, not a digit, not of interest.
          helper as none
      | a :: as, some acc =>
        if p: a.snd.isDigit then
          --keep accumulating
          helper as $ some {value := acc.value * 10 + a.snd.asDigit p, positions := a.fst :: acc.positions }
          -- we were accumulating, aren't on a number any more -> commit
          acc :: helper as none
      helper input none
    def parse (schematic : String) : Option Schematic := do
      -- I think this one is easier if we don't split the input in lines. Because:
      let charsWithCoordinates ← match schematic.toList with
        | [] => none
        | c :: cs => pure $ cs.scan (λ s c ↦ (uncurry Coordinate.nextByChar s, c)) (Coordinate.default, c)
      -- Whitespaces are **intentionally** left in. This makes extracting the numbers easier.
      pure $ {
        parts := extractParts charsWithCoordinates
        numbers := extractPartNumbers charsWithCoordinates
    def part1 (schematic : Schematic) : Nat :=
      -- fast lookup: We need to know if a part is at a given coordinate
      open Lean(HashSet) in
      let partCoordinates := HashSet.insertMany HashSet.empty $ Part.position
      let partNumbers := schematic.numbers.filter λnumber ↦
        number.positions.any λposition ↦
          position.adjacents.any partCoordinates.contains
      partNumbers.foldl (· + PartNumber.value ·) 0
    def part2 (schematic : Schematic) : Nat :=
      -- and now it is obvious that keeping the parsed input free of opinions was a good idea.
      -- because here we need quick lookup for the numbers, not the parts.
      open Lean(HashMap) in
      let numberCoordinates : HashMap Coordinate PartNumber :=
        Lean.HashMap.ofList $ schematic.numbers.bind $ λ pn ↦ (·, pn)
      let gearSymbols := (Part.symbol · == '*')
      -- but the symbols aren't enough, they need to be adjacent to **exactly** 2 numbers
      let numbersNextGearSymbols := List.dedup <$> λgs ↦
        gs.position.adjacents.filterMap numberCoordinates.find?
      let gearSymbols := numbersNextGearSymbols.filter (List.length · == 2)
      let gearRatios := $ List.foldl (· * PartNumber.value ·) 1
      gearRatios.foldl (· + ·) 0