What games would you guys recommend for a guy near 50, who doesn’t have a gaming pc (my laptop is an i7, 16gb RAM and using onboard graphics) which tend to have an older community? I used to play RPG’s and my least favorite games are those first person war games.

Something that doesn’t require synchronous gaming and doesn’t have a lot of stress would be even nicer.

Thanks for any input!

  • kimli@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    As an RPG game I think Neverwinter Nights is worth taking a look (you might have even played it when it was brand new) There is an enhanced edition that was first published a few years back that among other things, brought back online gaming without having to mess around. I think the community fits the bill nicely and in some groups you might not even be among the oldest.

    Although you can play it solo, it’s at multiplayer where it shines. Also, apart from official content, there’s a ton of community content, some of it far better than official one.

    Factorio has been also mentioned. Think of puzzle / problem solving / logistics / base building kind of game. There’s a playable demo (probably >10 hours worth of content but I can’t say for sure, I didn’t need so long to decide it was my thing) so you can check it out before purchasing.

    Additional info :

    • First game, try to go in as blind as possible (no tutorial/videos, walkthroughs, …) You can only beat the game for the first time /without prior knowledge once
    • You can find the game referred as cracktorio. For many, the main cost of the game is not the purchase, but the electricity needed to run it for so long
    • You can play it without bitters (enemies) so there’s no rush in completing it. You just build as you see fit

    I would also add Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew Valley for the chill factor.

    You shouldn’t have problems with any of these games on your laptop.