Day 5: If You Give a Seed a Fertilizer
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[Language: Lean4]
I’ll only post the actual parsing and solution. I have written some helpers (in this case particularly relevant: Quicksort) which are in other files, as is the main function. For the full code, please see my github repo.
This one also ended up quite long, because I couldn’t resist to use different types for the different things, and to have the type checker confirm that I’m combining the maps between them in the correct order.
Also, I am not 100% certain that part 2 doesn’t have any off-by-one errors. I didn’t write any unit tests for it… The answer is correct though, so I probably didn’t mess it up too horribly. Also, it is pretty fast. Part 2 takes about 1.2 milliseconds on my machine, and this is including the file parsing (but not the loading of the file).
It seems my solution is too long for a single post though, so I’ll split off part 2 and post it separately.
Edit: There was a bug in the function that checks overlaps between ranges while parsing.
Parsing and Part 1
Part 2
private structure Mapping2 (α β : Type) where start : α --okay, next time I do this, I'll encode end and offset, not start and offset... offset : Int deriving Repr private structure Mappings2 (α β : Type) where mappings : List $ Mapping2 α β deriving Repr private def Mappings2.fromMappings {α β : Type} [NatId α] [NatId β] [Ord α] (input : Mappings α β) : Mappings2 α β := let input := input.mappings.quicksortBy λ a b ↦ ( a.inputStart b.inputStart == let rec helper := λ | [] => [] | a :: [] => [{ start:= a.inputStart, offset := (NatId.toNat a.outputStart) - (NatId.toNat a.inputStart)}, {start:= NatId.fromNat (NatId.toNat a.inputStart + a.length), offset := 0}] | a :: b :: as => if (NatId.toNat b.inputStart) != (NatId.toNat a.inputStart + a.length) then { start:= a.inputStart, offset := (NatId.toNat a.outputStart) - (NatId.toNat a.inputStart)} :: { start:= NatId.fromNat (NatId.toNat a.inputStart + a.length), offset := 0} :: helper (b :: as) else { start:= a.inputStart, offset := (NatId.toNat a.outputStart) - (NatId.toNat a.inputStart)} :: helper (b :: as) let result := match input with | [] => [] | a :: _ => if NatId.toNat a.inputStart != 0 then { start:= NatId.fromNat 0, offset := 0 : Mapping2 α β} :: helper input else helper input result private def Mappings2.apply (α β : Type) [NatId α] [NatId β] [Ord α] (mapping : Mappings2 α β) (value : α) : β := let rec findOffsetHelper := λ | [] => 0 | a :: [] => a.offset | a :: b :: as => if ( value b.start == then a.offset else findOffsetHelper (b :: as) let offset : Int := findOffsetHelper mapping.mappings let result : Int := (NatId.toNat value + offset) NatId.fromNat result.toNat private def Mappings2.combine {α β γ : Type} [NatId α] [NatId β] [NatId γ] (a : Mappings2 α β) (b : Mappings2 β γ) : Mappings2 α γ := -- at this point, let's just go integer let a : List (Int × Int) := λ m ↦ (NatId.toNat m.start, m.offset) let b : List (Int × Int):= λ m ↦ (NatId.toNat m.start, m.offset) let rec findOffsetHelper := λ (list : List (Int × Int)) (value : Int) ↦ match list with | [] => 0 | a :: [] => a.snd | a :: b :: as => if (value < b.fst) then a.snd else findOffsetHelper (b :: as) value let rec helper := λ | [] => b | a :: [] => let bOffsetAtA := findOffsetHelper b (a.fst + a.snd) let bRemainder := b.dropWhile (λ (bb : Int × Int) ↦ a.fst + a.snd > bb.fst) match bRemainder with | [] => [(a.fst, a.snd + bOffsetAtA)] | b :: _ => if b.fst - a.snd == a.fst then λ (b : Int × Int) ↦ (b.fst - a.snd, a.snd + b.snd) else (a.fst, a.snd + bOffsetAtA) :: λ (b : Int × Int) ↦ (b.fst - a.snd, a.snd + b.snd) | a :: aa :: as => let bOffsetAtA := findOffsetHelper b (a.fst + a.snd) let relevantBs := b.filter (λ (bb : Int × Int) ↦ a.fst + a.snd ≤ bb.fst && aa.fst + a.snd > bb.fst) match relevantBs with | [] => (a.fst, a.snd + bOffsetAtA) :: (helper (aa :: as)) | b :: _ => if b.fst - a.snd == a.fst then ( λ (b : Int × Int) ↦ (b.fst - a.snd, a.snd + b.snd)) ++ helper (aa :: as) else (a.fst, a.snd + bOffsetAtA) :: ( λ (b : Int × Int) ↦ (b.fst - a.snd, a.snd + b.snd)) ++ helper (aa :: as) let result := helper a $ λ p ↦ { start := NatId.fromNat p.fst.toNat, offset := p.snd : Mapping2 α γ} private structure SeedRange where start : Seed ending : Seed deriving Repr private def SeedRange.fromList (input : List Seed) : List SeedRange := let rec helper : List Seed → List SeedRange := λ | [] => [] | _ :: [] => [] | a :: b :: as => { start := a, ending := $ +} :: SeedRange.fromList as (helper input).quicksortBy λ a b ↦ < private def SeedRange.findSmallestSeedAbove (seedRanges : List SeedRange) (value : Seed) : Option Seed := -- two options: If the value is inside a seedRange, the value itself is the result -- If not, the start of the first seedRange above the value is the result let rangeContains := λ r ↦ ( r.start value != && ( r.ending value == let rec helper := λ | [] => none | r :: rs => if rangeContains r then some value else if r.start value == then r.start else helper rs helper seedRanges def part2 (input : ((List Seed) × Almanach)) : Option Nat := let a := input.snd let seedToLocation := Mappings2.fromMappings a.seedsToSoil |> flip Mappings2.combine (Mappings2.fromMappings a.soilToFertilizer) |> flip Mappings2.combine (Mappings2.fromMappings a.fertilizerToWater) |> flip Mappings2.combine (Mappings2.fromMappings a.waterToLight) |> flip Mappings2.combine (Mappings2.fromMappings a.lightToTemperature) |> flip Mappings2.combine (Mappings2.fromMappings a.temperatureToHumidity) |> flip Mappings2.combine (Mappings2.fromMappings a.humidityToLocation) let seedRanges := SeedRange.fromList input.fst let potentialSeeds := seedToLocation.mappings.filterMap λ m ↦ (SeedRange.findSmallestSeedAbove seedRanges m.start) -- could filter by range end, but who cares? let locations := seedToLocation.apply NatId.toNat <$> locations.minimum?