Anyone else feel oppressed by the Q-slur and feel that its widespread use harms LGBT rights more than it helps? It feels like every LGBT-adjacent “safe space” isn’t safe for those affected by the Q-slur, especially on Pride Month.


  • emeralddawn45
    2 years ago

    I consider myself invisibly non binary. To most people I’m a Cis het guy, but my partner is pansexual, and I feel I relate much more with women on most things than with men, but I don’t wear makeup and my clothes are mostly male or gender neutral, so unless I specifically vocalise my gender identity to people, it basically doesn’t exist in them. To me, the q feels very inclusive. Because I don’t consider myself trans and don’t ever intend to transition, but I feel like cis doesn’t describe me at all either, and I’m not attracted to men. So q is the only place I fit, and I like fitting in to the community. Sexuality and gender is a spectrum and LGBT simply doesn’t cover all the possibilities, so whatever you want to call it, having that catch all in there feels like a good thing to me, and for all the other people who don’t fit nicely into simple boxes, which is kinda the point isn’t it?