Get rid of your car if you can, grow your own food, do anything you can to remove yourself from the systems in place. This seems to be the only peaceful way without turning to ecoterrorism. Though at this rate everything that doesn’t have immediate effefts seems futile.
Depends a lot on what country you’re in. There’s something of a database here but if you go down the list of things that need doing from the IPCC you may find that personal networking will connect you to somebody doing one of them.
Get rid of your car if you can, grow your own food, do anything you can to remove yourself from the systems in place. This seems to be the only peaceful way without turning to ecoterrorism. Though at this rate everything that doesn’t have immediate effefts seems futile.
The other option is to take a job working on decarbonizing the larger system.
Do they need IT people? I guess I’d be willing to learn a new skill too.
Of course. There’s a fair bit of that.
Forgive my ignorance, but where would be a good place to start looking? My line of work definitely indirectly contributes to the mess and I want out.
Depends a lot on what country you’re in. There’s something of a database here but if you go down the list of things that need doing from the IPCC you may find that personal networking will connect you to somebody doing one of them.