I’m one of those who work 5 days a week to earn a living. We have our vacation days to enjoy whatever we want to do in life, but we still need to go back to work because people like me will struggle in life if we lose our job.

So I’m curious how some people like the guy in the video can travel around the world for almost a year without working. There are also other vloggers out there who left home to go on a travel and they are still young. Do they already have savings enough to support until they retire?

  • DogMuffins
    2 years ago

    Without exception, whenever people have told me that they can afford to travel a lot because their job is trading crypto or vlogging or some shit, the reality is that they inherited heaps of money or sold the family farm or whatever.

    I’m sure there are a few vloggers who make enough to just keep travelling but those are extraordinarily few.

    I guess things have changed in the last several years - being a digital nomad is actually pretty viable now for a number of professions. That said you tend to stay in the same place for a year or so at a time just because that keeps costs down. Also even digital nomads need a work environment - internet and a desk big enough for more than a cup of coffee. These things can be harder to find than you’d realise.