As a former redditor I am glad to have found a new “home” and I hope I’m not intruding. Nevertheless, we are all a huge migration that is bound to change how kbin works and we’re bound to piss off some pre-migration Keebinetters. The fact you guys were here before and not in reddit makes evident you don’t want this to become a carbon copy of reddit. From the interface to the group dynamics, please lets us now…

What can we do NOT to ruin kbin for you?

    1 year ago

    I spent like an hour going back and forth about whether to keep the original spelling, number, and multiple underscores in my old name because that was just how my main always was and I haven’t had a non-numeric handle in decades.

    Suddenly realized the sheer specificity of it meant googling my user could easily find the most ancient stuff, got creeped out, dropped it immediately. Now all anyone who tries to find me is getting is Victorian era poetry and pictures of plants.

    Become unsearchable.