Being a graduate from 3 years of studying psych and with an active experience of mental illness, I can say that no amount of studying theory and doing therapy+ taking meds for years helped me realize the root of my problems and my worth as a human. more than Marxist analysis. I live to be a part of the revolution, and as long as psychotherapy reinforces the client to believe in themselves and to accept the realities of it is what it is, it will never achieve its job of liberating the person. There is a need for psychology to gain a Marxist perspective, more so from modern day leftists in the mental health field.

    1 year ago

    Has anyone here read the book “Capitalist Realism”? My memory’s a bit dull but I remember in one chapter Fisher was writing about the connection between advanced capitalist society and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. He was writing about how bourgeois society seeks to “depoliticize” mental health, and dismiss things like depression as individual problems that do not stem from how society is organized.