The unconfirmed allegation is raising concerns that the coffee chain is the latest corporation to cave to far-right attacks on LGBTQ people.

    1 year ago

    Why would an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving deity create a universe with pointless suffering? Why do infants get cancer?

    Why do terrible diseases like shingles and smallpox exist and why did it take humans to eradicate them? Do you think humanity was acting immorally when they created vaccines to combat these deadly viruses? Surely we were working contrary to god’s will and that is a sin, right?

      1 year ago

      You’d need infinite wisdom to understand every decision God makes. I certainly don’t have that. But I do trust that God’s in control, and He has His reasons. And I also know that we’re given challenges and tests of faith in life. That’s all part of the exercise of God’s creation. It’s a moral test to filter us.

      Do you think humanity was acting immorally when they created vaccines to combat these deadly viruses?

      That’s an extremely interesting question, and I wish it wasn’t buried in this thread about SBC.

      I find it interesting to consider the question from a Darwinian perspective first. Through medicine, we humans have nearly eliminated our own survival of the fittest. We keep our weak alive long enough to reproduce and spread their genes. The result is that we’re far weaker as a species than if we took a (decidedly unethical) approach of abandoning all medicine, allowing the infant mortality rate to skyrocket back to premodern norms, and allowing common ailments to destroy us. So inasmuch as morality and Darwinianism are both held their by advocates to be “laws”, yes, medicine is unlawful in a sense. (That’s twisted, I know! Just interesting to consider.)

      From my own Christian perspective, no, God made us in His own image, and so just as He created us, the universe, and everything in it, we create things all the time too — including vaccines. God’s in control, so anything we create is something we were allowed to create. Our actions are not always condoned, as we could use any invention for good or evil. God loves life, so vaccines saving lives are good. If He really wants to take someone out, He will.

      Honestly I love that question. Thanks. I hope I elaborated enough.