Whatā€™s a piece of SF that you just couldnā€™t get into, even though you feel like you should?

I tried to watch Babylon 5, for instance, and just couldnā€™t connect to it. I know itā€™s popular and people love it, but it never hooked me.

Another is The Three Body Problem. I tried reading it after a friendā€™s glowing recommendation, but I couldnā€™t get past the first chapter. I even tried reading it in another language in case it was the translation I couldnā€™t connect with, but the same thing happened.

Both are things I feel like I should like, but just donā€™t.

  • BonKH@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    @stopthatgirl7 Iā€™ve started Dune numerous times. I get further each time, but Iā€™m still not very far along. I think thereā€™s a tone change between the opening of the book and the move to Arrakis. Paulā€™s mother has just met with the ā€œhouse motherā€ in my latest attempt. Iā€™ll get there. Eventually.

    • Lasairiona@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I tried Dune a few times, I just canā€™t do it. Not the books, not the miniseries, not the new movie. In theory it sounds great, butā€¦ Itā€™s not gripping me at all for some reason.

    • Durandal@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Dune is one of my favorite series, but I can totally see why it would be jarring. Unfortunately there are a couple of major tonal shifts throughout the series. Heckā€¦ thereā€™s a couple just in the first book. It is definitely a very dense read. Lots going on and a lot of moving parts to track. Thereā€™s even a glossary in the back to keep track of it with maps heh.

      Itā€™s a really interesting universe. Herbert was really into philosophy and lead a really interesting life (his biography written by his son is an interesting read as well). It doesnā€™t get any less dense and layered unfortunately, if that is what is keeping you out of it.

      The Sci-fi mini-series was good and hit most of the major points pretty well, if you just canā€™t deal with the books themselves. It might bring you back with some renewed interest. The new movies are interesting as a fan, but donā€™t really tell the story fully, IMHO.

      • oo1@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        i did love dune, enjoyed the variety and dynamics; but i struggled with all the follow ups i think it just became more style, complexity and politics and there was not enough story left to drag me through it.
        (cf. War and Peace)

        • Durandal@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          I really enjoy the philosophical and psychological study of humanity through sci-fi, so I enjoyed that thread through the whole series. Iā€™ve read far too much of it lol. But I totally get it when people have to tap outā€¦ itā€™s a dense series of books.

          I have the same reaction to Lord of the Rings. I love the story, but I canā€™t slog through reading the books. The peter jackson films were a god send for me.