Google has been dodgy for a long time. They’ve been abusing their dominance to maintain their monopolies and erode our freedoms. No matter how many times developers like that of uBlock tell you that the blocking experience isn’t as good in Chromium based browsers compared to Firefox, due to decisions made by Google, people don’t listen. Now Google is attempting to insert DRM into webpages to force us to look at their adverts, that’s insanity and everyone knows it. But still people support them by using their products. I can understand using YouTube, no other video site comes close in terms of content. Gmail is the class leader for email. But search? You can’t even get results on the first page without an adblocker. And their browser, along with the derivatives? Why are people empowering Google’s fuckeries? It makes no logical sense. People even attempt to hold Firefox to standards they turn a blind eye to for Chrome. I’m baffled, confused, perplexed by it all. I just don’t get it.

    1 year ago

    I’m a long term ff user, never made the switch to chrome because Google is evil.

    Google runs a TON of websites, and there are a ton of web dev frameworks that just don’t prioritize FF support the way they should.

    So what happens? My Gmail once every few months will suck for a month because chrome brought out some new fancy feature and FF doesn’t support it.

    Now I personally believe that’s intentional and that Google is pulling Microsoft’s EEE

    The average person isn’t going to trade misbehaving websites for idealism