I just want to say, great work!
Since there is a large number of apps for lemmy, every now and then I like to check the progress each one has made, and it looks pretty good, there seems to be quite a nice selection of apps to choose from. This project looks really promising and as of right now, it looks like its the most polished one, and also my favorite.


I’ve been using it for a few days now and I would just like to give some feedback and few suggestions:

  • Brighter dark theme. Something between dark and light.
  • Collapsible left and right sidebars.
  • Upvote/downvote “hitboxes” are a bit on the smaller side.
  • Possibly “cool” feature: Option to automatically expand image on hover in Compact and List view.
  • Make the comments button be able to take you back to the feed if you click on it while you are in the post view. (e.g., you are scrolling your feed, you click on the post or the comments button and now the function of the comments button changes to “back to feed”) Would just save some time by cutting the mouse travel time short.
  • Keyboard shortcuts.
  • Option to have the top level comment still visible when we collapse it.
  • The comment collapse “button hitbox” (whole space on the right side of the username), even though it’s quite big and the comments look very clean, I still sometimes miss it because it’s not all the way to the way up to the separator line, especially if I’m trying to click on it only using my periphery vision.
  • Option to tag users.
  • Option to favorite communities in the left sidebar.