Labor MP condemns Netanyahu’s rejection of Palestinian state as a step toward apartheid

Julian Hill labels Israeli prime minister’s position ‘appalling’ as he calls for financial consequences for Israeli settlers

Benjamin Netanyahu’s declaration he rejects any moves to establish a Palestinian state after Israel’s offensive in Gaza has been labelled “appalling” and a step toward “apartheid” by influential Labor MP Julian Hill.

Hill has called for a suite of measures to respond, including financial consequences for Israeli settlers and an international push to fast-track recognition of a Palestinian state. The left faction convener argued that the “vast majority of the world recognises Israeli sovereignty only within the 1967 borders”.

The condemnation of the Israeli prime minister’s position appears to put Hill at odds with his own leader, Anthony Albanese, who declared on Friday that Australia’s support for “the existence of the state of Israel is completely unconditional”.

    1 year ago

    Apartheid already exists in Palestine. How can anything Israeli occupiers do or say today be a step towards something that’s already in effect Julian?