Welcome to SDF Chatter - a federated Lemmy instance

  • Ubuntu Peronista@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 年前

    Hi @SDF, I’m peron, a SDF user from #Argentina.

    I’m an individual interested in historical operating systems, synthesizers, anonymity-respecting communities and cooperative electronic communication environments.

    I certainly enjoy login into public machines, and meeting new friendly people. SDF provides a nice suite of free-access federated services, including its Mastodon instances, PixelFed and now Lemmy. Greetings to all my friends and kind people on the Telematic Fortress.

    If anyone is interested in knowing a bit more about me, you can check this pseudoanonymous bio webpage. http://peron.sdf.org/whoami/

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         ConducTor / IndoctrinaTor / Ubuntu Peronista EdiTor / Hacker