Hey all! Hoping somebody can help me; I bought some shrimp earlier today and a couple of these fellas snuck into the bag without anybody noticing. Anyone know what they are? I want to make sure I take care of them :) thanks for any help!

  • A7thStone@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I agree with the other commenters. It looks like a juvenile guppy. I used to buy what was called “feeder guppies” for my painted turtle and they looked exactly like that. My turtle is too old and slow to catch them anymore so I now have a school of guppies cohabiting with him. After a couple of generations they start to develop more vibrant colors. Iridescent red and blue stripes and different patterns of dark dots. They look really pretty. They aren’t really picky eaters. Mine nibble at the turtle pellets and the school had been thing for about five years on just that. If you do want to keep a school going make sure there are lots of places for the fry to hide, they are live bearers and guppies are notorious for eating their own fry.