Hey all! Hoping somebody can help me; I bought some shrimp earlier today and a couple of these fellas snuck into the bag without anybody noticing. Anyone know what they are? I want to make sure I take care of them :) thanks for any help!
Hey all! Hoping somebody can help me; I bought some shrimp earlier today and a couple of these fellas snuck into the bag without anybody noticing. Anyone know what they are? I want to make sure I take care of them :) thanks for any help!
It could be a mosquito fish. They’re similar to guppies. They also give them to people for free. I don’t think it’s a guppy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosquitofish
I caught some in a river and kept them. I thought they were guppies for years.
That’s a juvenile female.
Also, they tend to be aggressive. They’re also cannibalistic. They’re also NOT in Poeciliidae, but they do give live birth. They’re close though. They will kill fish from Poeciliidae, potentially with their penis (I’ll let you guys search that). Also they give birth like crazy.
They ate ANYTHING I put in the tank. Bottom feeders were fine.
Oh wow, good eye! I managed to take a better photo of one the other day, looks a lot like that picture!
Saying that, here’s a picture of an endler guppy fry off Google:

Bloody things look the same! Haha