and then you get tinnitus, ig?
and then you get tinnitus, ig?
As always, a lot of “old news/kaspersky is ruzzia/already patched” comments trying to deflect from a very serious security threat from a “privacy/security first company”, that could very well be intentional backdoor for global surveillance.
When are people going to learn Big Tech is in bed with the feds? Even after they jointly kiss trumps fascists boots, they think these company work for people’s interest.
more like taste of its own medicine.
about time, too.
When will America own this ?
Never. All their problems are always foreign boogymans doing and all their own citizens and pure and only ever slightly misguided.
lAnD oF tHe fReE, hOmE oF tHe bRaVe.
Pathetic snowflakes is what they are.
just a little meddling… to the likes of the how the US has done for the last decade or two or longer.
oh how the turn tables.
First they came for the…
wait, what am I even talking about… most people in the US are probably cheering this on having allowed it continue to this level of stupidity.
So much for the cHeCkS aNd bAlAnCeS and aMeRiCaN vAlUeS