Infosec professional of the blue team variety. cat dad. Formula 1 fan. My ADHD means I have many interests and hobbies, my current obession is with radio. My opinions do not reflect the views or opinions of my employer.

I’m an ally.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • For Linux yes I started using KVM and it works just fine for my needs on a workstation.

    For Windows hosted VMs I preferred VMWare Workstation. It has a workflow that worked for me and I found it compatible with a wide range of guests. Linux guest support in HyperV is a joke. Virtualbox sucks for professional use because the functionality locked behind the extensions they force you to download is an invitation for Oracle to begin harassing for licensing with the threat of a software audit if you’re big enough a target.

    I don’t mean for this to become a Linux vs. Windows thing. I have reasons that I need to use Windows. Though that’s not to say I’m not pushing for more Linux. Windows 11 is a big enough reason to ditch windows.

  • I’ve been lead over Incident Response where I work for a few years now, IT security since 2019. I’ve been in IT for close to 20 years now and my first security related experiences were cleaning viruses off of W2K pc’s using the Sysinternal suite. I had at least one antivirus company support tech chastise me over the phone for cleaning up a virus that their software didn’t catch. It’s been downhill ever since.