I work in I.T. and am interested in every sub-field. I also study English, Spanish, German, French, Koine Greek, Latin, Mandarin & Swahili. I’m interested in human culture.
I like Linux, but mainly use Windows because of work.
That’s true. Flying at cruise altitude is pretty boring if you aren’t the pilot.
Most air forces are radical. Go watch a video of any jet going at Mach speeds and tell me it isn’t rad.
And yet you’ve never really been effectively guaranteed success in America unless you were straight, white, male and already rich. And most of them aren’t rich.
This was a commercial truck meant for heavy loads. They are sometimes used as dump trucks. It should have been obvious that it wouldn’t get across that bridge.
My guess is 3 drinks at $1.00 each, plus $0.10 tax on each drink.
Well, the opposite is them wishing for your death I guess. So at least it’s hoping your still alive tomorrow.
Now I wonder if that would require a lawsuit between the J. M. Barrie estate & the Wendy’s restaurant chain.
Somehow I didn’t see that. Thanks for pointing it out!
Toldeo, Spain is actually in approximately the correct place.
I’ll bet one of the exceptions is having a bunch of money.
Newspapers used to be delivered mainly by teenagers on bicycles to each subscriber of that newspaper. The guard dog did not let the newspaper carriers deliver their newspapers. It kept each carrier’s bicycle as a trophy.
The part they haven’t appeared to think through is what subset of subset of Christianity are they going for. They could talk to the people in Salem, MA. about that, but they won’t.
Some religious Jewish people do actually wear parts of their scriptures, at least part of the time.
I’m the same, you’re correct.
Thanks! I didn’t know if he was officially out yet.
The first 3 images are foods the author believes are dipped in batter. The last image is of U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, whose party lost quite heavily in the recent elections.
That’s true. Let the largest BGP routers go down for 5 minutes and any demands the people who run them have would be met.
Probably not, I think. The only mention of cooling I saw on the website was “Anodised heat sinks to maintain cool running of LEDs on steady burning duties.”
Thanks! I was confused too. I thought maybe the woman blew the man away.
Some denominations do believe that only the KJV is the correct English translation. Many of those people do not understand what the words actually mean. They interpret the text very narrowly and frequently are told by others what interpretation is correct.