Navidrome suggests using jukebox mode to play music directly to the server’s audio hardware. It uses mpv. You only need a client which supports jukebox mode. Currently Ultrasonic and dSub seem to support this feature.
Navidrome suggests using jukebox mode to play music directly to the server’s audio hardware. It uses mpv. You only need a client which supports jukebox mode. Currently Ultrasonic and dSub seem to support this feature.
Timeshift > Settings > Filter > Add > Put your filter there > Click - or + to exclude/include.
Your filter could be /home/USERNAME/Downloads/*.deb
or /path/to/somewhere/*
Past Lives (2023)
Pizza, A Love Story
The <user> and <group> should be replaced with something:
e.x navidrome and navidrome
Just make sure that the user and group exists and the user has the correct permissions for the music directory.
Would I Lie to You S17
Latest Simpsons episode
“The Curse” with Nathan Fielder and Emma Stone. Also saw “Fingernails” the other day.
Die Dateiname der Konfig soll nicht sehr lang sein. Probier weniger als 10 zeichen zu nutzen.
Was passiert wenn wg-quick up ausgeführt wird?
Falls was nicht stimmt sollte eine meldung kommen.
Den Gastzugang einschalten und damit verbinden, dann hast du Internet.
Die Box erreichst du nur über die “versteckte” IP.
Pihole - DNS-based blocker. SearXNG - Customable metasearch engine. Ntfy - Send Notifications to devices. Navidrome - Listen to your music.
Look into Enigma2 set-top-boxes which support this and more features for free. (or are open source)
They tend to vary on price depending on which type of tuner you would use.
Quite easy to setup more extensions like for streaming channels, movies or series.
Burt is sus!