Everyone should be expected to be vegan.
I had vegan bacon with the same taste and texture it threw me off so there’s no need to lie about stuff.
What do you mean it doesn’t have the texture of bacon.
There’s vegan bacon that’s healthier to eat
You read the meme too fast. Its everyone looking into the carnivore communities.
Keep your cats indoors and feed them a vegan diet.
People don’t feed cats raw meat anymore…
That’s a strawman. Cats need to eat a plant-based kibble formulated with the necessary taurine and b12.
You’re just focusing on the LinkedIn post while ignoring the substance of the article. Great a classic concern troll.
How can you tell that I made a report? I did it because you’re arguing in bad faith.
The sources mentioned in the article are:
There are kibble brands that have synthetic taurine, b12.
Cherry-picking while conveniently ignoring the study.
Vegans know how to cook!
That poor fox 😭
People refusing to stop eating meat pulling us into this mess again.
We don’t want to be pulled into another pandemic because you refused to change your ways and follow the science.
A good healthy meal!
I always appreciate those cool people for thanking me for my activism. It has happened to me 8 times.
Vegans do not always see how their forms of activism affect change.
If you bring up veganic agriculture people say “vegans are hijacking the traditional methods to make themselves look good”.
This post is perfection!
You need to try more options at the very least before painting things with a broad brush.