Then Americans can have the jobs that they never wanted and where beneath them so they let illegals take them.
Then Americans can have the jobs that they never wanted and where beneath them so they let illegals take them.
Cause you guys are stupid vwhonwuns a war then names bases after the loosing side. Let’s statues be put up and still honors the losers. Should have crushed them.
That’s the funny part vwh we re are all the my freedom I need my gun crowd.
Yep if musk only got laid more in highschool.
How about just media.
A yes Trumps ban. So Biden gets the credit band plans crash when Trump is president and Biden gets the credit.
It doesn’t matter cause there is no press in America. Just play things for billionaires.
I didn’t know both sides tried to overthrow the government. Also have never seen anyone fo in and dismantle the government so fast before. Must have missed that.
So did reddit suspend anyone who posted stories about the federal workers information.
He delayed them for a month.
How is a 19 year old an “Engineer”
Who would have thought you where founded by rich white men who didn’t want to pay taxes and your still ruled by them. I know you have fairy tales to tell you otherwise but…
Not American but Canadian and live in Alberta. I get off my ass every election and vote even though I know there is not a snowballs chance in hell anything but the cons are getting in power. They have been in power my whole life and longer except for one blip. Hoping for another longer one.
Got any stories about that? I mean local edia still has websites.
I mean they voted for the cou. So yes it is Americans doing this. And I don’t care if they didn’t vote for this crowd they didn’t show up so yes they voted for this.
Oh it works and works well sure might need some tweaking or prompt changing but it is decent at code gen.
I’ve found AI quicker at getting information. Search on the net is garbage find old articles that no longer are relavent or having to shift through pages of unrelated shit till you find what you want.
And why it we’ll never ever be mainstream.
Know if any place to get audiobooks. I mean now I get on my boat but if a local Canadian company was offering.