BasementParty [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 9th, 2023


  • The feeling of combat in newer Soulsborne games has never felt quite right to me.

    Take a look at weapon animation in DS1 vs Elden Ring. In DS1, the vast majority of the weapons had realistic animations. Only 2-3 weapons had you performing acrobatics beyond what a normal human could do. Sure there was magic and giant swords, but it felt grounded within a low-fantasy setting.

    In Elden Ring, the majority of weapons feel straight out of an anime. You zip around doing flashy moves as a standard attack. Spells also got significantly more flashy and absurd. The Tarnished feels closer to a demigod in their abilities than they do a human. I feel like this shift in feeling has kinda destroyed the whole “overcoming these challenges as a small insignificant dude” vibe because your guy is able to swing their sword like a shonen protagonist.

    I feel like the emotional heart of dark souls has been lost in order to create cool looking combat.

  • While people in the Imperial core do benefit from imperialism to the extent that it makes them unrevolutionary, it doesn’t mean that making them worse off will make it any better outside the core.

    Increasing income inequality in America doesn’t make third-world countries any less exploited. It just means more of their labour is going to the American bourgeoisie rather than the American worker. The only argument you can really make is American workers should be worse off because they benefit from exploitation. But that’s not a Marxist position, that’s a moral position. It’s a position that only seeks to punish people.

    Regardless of whether American workers unfairly benefit from imperialism, I don’t like when children go hungry, I don’t like when LGBTQ+ folks are attacked, and I don’t like when people die because they can’t afford medication. Fighting for these things in America will not stop nor make worse the exploitation of the third-world.

  • And I do think it’s reasonable to say (correct me if I’m wrong) that Trump is the furthest right GOP candidate for at least several decades.

    Trump just says the quiet part out loud. He’s more or less a traditional republican, just more outwardly racist. In some ways, the fact that he’s an idiot with no loyalty beyond himself has lead to him being slightly less horrible in a few ways than a competent republican would be.

    I’m starting to wonder if the implicit assumption here is that if Biden wins, Trump and his base will be essentially defeated.

    Liberals have been pulling the “lesser of two evils” shtick since the 70’s. I’m not saying your wrong, they certainly do think this way. But they would think so regardless of whom the republican candidate would end up being.

  • I’m early Gen Z and the thing I kinda dislike is how shameless this generation is.

    Anime is a good example. It used to be a niche thing for nerds that you were kinda ashamed of outside of Studio Ghibli, but now it’s really mainstream. That’s all well and good but then you have some people with hentai stickers on their school laptop. Instead of adopting anime as a medium, we adopted the worst forms of otakuism. Instead of mass adoption tempering the worst aspects, it appears to have emboldened them instead.

    I also know some people who go around sfw anime cons and pay women to step on them in public. When I said this was kinda weird, I was the one in the friend group that got flack. Gen Z is more willing to embrace their weird habits but some stuff should be done at home or with private groups.