Imagine explainingthis to your kids. Explain that changes are happening and they maybe taken to a jail. While we give the passport cards, make sure they have paper money, lawyer’s, and family’s numbers; just in case.
To make it easier, if you are a minorty usa citizen, attach something show you are. Like a big bright object, maybe bullseye or star shape. That way we can avoid the confusion.
We don’t detain people accused of theft or violent crimes. We are innocent until proven guilty. I know it’s weird since only rich people are provided that.
So say someone of mexican decent walks into Hobby Lobby. Karen says they stole something. A cop shows up ask for proof of citizenship. Well that person was born and raised in the USA, so they don’t have a green card. ICE shows up and detains them until they can prove their citizenship. Eventually they are released but after being harassed.
Lol, this has never happened before.
Shit™ brought to you by Trump.
Lol fuck you old people! Wait?
Completely different. No regulation and direct opening to the U.S.President from anyone in the world. That feels different from plates and coins.
National anthem for when you meet a nazi.
The man never met a product he didn’t love. Brought to by “Trump steaks! So what it’s Racoon meat.”
Before you had to do formal donations. Now we cut out the middle man.
Don’t settle for the imitation, like Don or Eric. Ewww
Can’t tell if that is a man or woman on the right. Doesn’t matter because all I can hear is…
Lol. God is dead.
I wish the Health Insurance companies a fourth layer of hell.
I would say “and fascists.”
I expect reports of deleting any video saying otherwise in a few days.
Republicans in NC stole the Governor’s and Attorney General’s power while tying it to hurrican relief. They are currently trying to steal the state supreme court seat. They will try to make abortions illegal in NC no matter what Democrats do.
I’m for the programs but against the execution.
Require these posititons to be licensed. Help the inmates get qualified to pass any and all exams. With good behavior and a set amount of time left, allow them to take the exams. This helps with future fire fighting and gives them a career once out. With a good prospect once out, they are less likely to recidivism.
Snoop was the one that had no loyalty.