• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • This article basically says “because white people are put up on a pedestal in modern society interracial couples are just based on internalized racism from perceiving white people as superior.”

    That was paraphrased, but essentially the same message the article is telling.

    A couple points to that:

    • Find me a single interracial couple who thinks this (the article simply guesses they exist)
    • There was no evidence supplied beyond supposed perceptions
    • white people are in fact prioritized in modern society but the article doesn’t go far enough to explain the notion of a romantic racial bias based on that

    Also I wouldn’t trust this source very much. Just because it’s conservative doesn’t mean it’s accurate: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-college-fix/

    Maybe the name “the college fix” should’ve warned you that it’s not the most trustworthy publication.

    Honestly it gives really scary “keep the bloodline pure” vibe, as if no interracial couples can exist without some level of internal racism. Can’t people just like……love each other? Good god.

  • It did, they had emails from Hunters laptop. You weren’t one of those idiots that believed it was a Russian hoax were you? It has been know for quite some time that the emails were authentic.

    You don’t even have to go as far as calling it a Russian hoax. In April of this year, the Republican-led House Oversight Committee investigating Hunter’s laptop found no wrongdoing. Do you believe the Republican House Committee specially tasked with finding in timing evidence in his emails are also part of the hoax?

    It’s more you bounce to new things after you’re proved wrong.

    Would you rather I double-down on the wrong thing? No wait that’s what Republicans do.

    Further don’t speak on this event like you’re an expert you were totally unaware of the details.

    Wait, what evidence do you have that the House Oversight Committee doesn’t?

    Rember my 1st post when I said Joe hasn’t been implicated… That hasn’t changed with the fact you just learned.

    Good, just checking…

    It looks like you forgot or are lieing again (my money is on the latter), I never claimed there was evidence of wrong doing by Joe.

    Good, so you agree this business with Hunter is irrelevant.

    Please show me where I said there’s evidence of wrong doing by Joe? I guess this is what you’re weasling to now, it’s kind of pathetic that you have to make things up.

    You’re making up an accusation I made about you. I’m simply looking for you to directly address that this is not related to Joe and that Hunter is irrelevant. Why won’t you just state it?

    In other words, would it be more/less/same relevance for me to post an article about some shit one of TFG’s kids may or may not have done?

  • I didn’t dismiss your article, I said it had no proof of anything, which it didn’t. You needed to supplement that article with additional evidence to confirm it was accurate, then I stopped mentioning it, didn’t I?

    I know our threads can be hard to follow sometimes but that’s because you keep deflecting and forgetting the topic.

    There was an impeachment inquiry into Joe based in part by the content of Hunter’s laptop.

    Yes, because the House can do that. 7 months into this inquiry and nothing has happened because there’s no evidence of wrongdoing.

    Since we’re keeping score, TFG had 2 impeachment inquiries, and articles of impeachment.

    Instead of choosing to be ignorant on the matter I followed the proceedings.

    So you’re aware proceedings are still going on because they haven’t been able to find any wrongdoing, yeah?

    I responded because I knew my 100% factual statement correcting the liberal narrative would rile up you and your comrades.

    Who’s riled? I’m simply asking for evidence that neither you nor the house have been able to find for 7 months now. I think you’re the riled one, posturing about it like it matters in the face of 7 months of dead ends.

    Honestly I’m not even mad. It’s fucking HILARIOUS watching you try to build a case against him because there is none. But you’re incapable of admitting it, just like the Republicans leading the impeachment inquiry. Otherwise you already would’ve. You’re just deep into the sunk cost fallacy rn and flailing.



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  • Then why ask for sources showing his wrong doing and dispute those sources?

    A couple reasons:

    • To understand your point better (you’re welcome)
    • To educate myself in case I missed something
    • I haven’t once dismissed away anything you’ve provided evidence for, I’m simply asking you why you give enough of a shit to follow Hunter at all and discuss him on a Political community. I have the same question for OP.

    Interesting though how every time I bring up that last point you can’t help but deflect. Calling it now. Your next comment will be a deflection and you won’t just directly answer me. But there ya go, I just directly answered you, so now it’s your turn.

    That is, if you’re even capable.