Trip had at least one extra one from an alien “encounter”.
Knowing Riker… I’m going to say that he has a surplus.
Trip had at least one extra one from an alien “encounter”.
Knowing Riker… I’m going to say that he has a surplus.
Maybe I can finally get my pull merged for /dev/grohl which just outputs random Foo Fighters lyrics.
Most social media runs by the 90/9/1 rule. 90% of users lurk, 9% of users post, 1% of users produce content.
I’m hoping that this house cleaning changes those numbers up some.
I know that a lot of people are afraid to post. They may not believe that they have anything interesting to say. And they may not trust their ability to write coherently. Some of you folks are intimidatingly good at writing insightful posts and making it understandable to everybody.
Maybe with a smaller community we can encourage more people to take part and, paradoxically, become more diverse.
I’d also like to encourage everybody to attempt to post something interesting. A pet theory. A reinterpretation of a scene. It doesn’t really matter. You can only get better by doing and we all benefit from new ideas. Don’t be afraid to sound like a fool. It’s kinda my default state and I’m still here.
Great, guys. I go through the trouble of purchasing “daystrominstitute.us” and standing up a Digital Ocean droplet and just found out that somebody way more competent beat me to the punch! /s
I’d like to share a few thoughts, if I may.
I still don’t know the technical abilities of the Fediverse at-large and how customizable individual servers are. So some of these may be impossible or irrelevant.
1) I’d like to see a summary page of hosting costs with the ability to help out. We’re kinda on our own here and nobody should have to bear the Brunt alone.
2) It would be nice to see an onboarding wiki to show new users. Maybe explaining how the concepts here map to their equivalent Reddit terms.
With that said, I’m genuinely thrilled to see people back and can’t wait to dive back in to reading fanon so detailed that it makes a doctoral dissertation look like a shopping list.
Edit: Perusing the threads and it looks like most everything I wanted is already here!
I feel like we’re in a competition with the writing staff to see who can trip up whom in remembering deep lore.
The Twilight Zone connection was absurdly cool!
I’d call this the weakest episode of the season this far. But SNW has been so good this far, a middling show for it corresponds to “pretty decent” in any other series.
I know I’m in the minority, but I like Ortegas and was happy to see her get to do her Innigo Montoya impression. It would have been nice if her limelight episode was more focused on her, but there’s still plenty of season left.