Do you need more evidence than a live Al jazeera video stream showing the rockets being launched from within Gaza? Or the multiple other video angles of the same event captured by CCTV camera systems around the area? What evidence would convince you that the rocket came from Hamas?
The beheaded babies thing was blown out of proportion. One official reporter on the ground interviewed some IDF soldiers who said witnessed many families slaughtered in their homes, some beheaded including babies. She asked him how many and he said around 40 in that village. She then wrote the piece contain the incorrect claim. I do sympathise with you in the sense that the pro-Israelis took that 40 beheaded babies thing way too far and they should, at minimum, retract such claims in their news outlets. Now, this one wrongly interpreted claim does NOT mean civilians weren’t targeted inside their homes and slaughtered, tortured, burnt, you name it. Hamas did NOT target military or essential services sites (like their electric grid or water supplies). They targeted civilians who could not defend themselves. If that’s not terrorism, I don’t know what is… Did you see the clip where a member of Hamas is walking through that party place and is shooting each portable toilet to kill anyone hiding inside them? What do you think of that? There were many non-Israelis present at that event. Do they get to the right to criticise Hamas?