I bet a Haitian could get those back for him…/s
I bet a Haitian could get those back for him…/s
I hear you like big
Fuck them and fuck that.
I wonder what it would come up with if you fed in old text based DOS games.
You said audiophile and then said $100-$200, those don’t match. That said both my autistic son and I use Sony WH-1000xm4, they run $250 new but you can get them on ebay for under $200 and they are pretty great. When I’m able to sit still I have a set of open back planar ribbon cans run through a USB DAC or a desktop amp but when I’m on the move I use the Sonys. The noise canceling is good enough that I can use them on my lawnmower or tractor comfortably.
All empty spaces should be shot glasses filled with water to help avoid a hangover.
Pretty bold statement from a war criminal
This is an astounding level of bullshit even from a country that gives its full throated support to anyone with a net worth in the 7 figures or greater.
If we don’t sin, Jesus died for nothing.
I’m going to need a lot more ammo, is there still a shortage? (Hey NSA, this is sarcasm)
I have 1 friend, is that enough?
Hood has been pissing me of lately, for some reason the only cottage cheese I have been seeing locally is small curd which I don’t like, I want large curd but it’s been unavailable for months.
The free market has decided so fuck off.
Childbirth, my hand was killing me.
It’s even worse out east where in most communities, firefighters are paid exactly jack shit. Volunteer only. It’s crazy that a fire chief on the left coast can earn over $100,000/yr while on the east coast it’s a volunteer position. And I know I’m comparing apples to slightly different apples but still.
I don’t think assisted suicide is dystopian, I think it’s incredibly progressive and I wish it was more widely available. We give our pets more dignity in death than our loved ones and it sucks. The fact that we’ll keep a corpse animated for years just because we can’t let go is pretty fucking dystopian though.
I’m surprised, he was such a well spoken, policy driven candidate, you wouldn’t think he would just roll over like this.