Love that the media continues to frame these events as “giving into public pressure” and not just doing what they’ve always wanted to do but didn’t feel comfortable doing.
Love that the media continues to frame these events as “giving into public pressure” and not just doing what they’ve always wanted to do but didn’t feel comfortable doing.
Remember when Dan Quayle of all people convinced Mike Pence to not go along with Trumps plan to not certify the 2020 election? Wild times.
Didn’t we already know this? I remember this being a thing during trumps first term and him doing absolutely nothing because he would’ve had to admit Russia did a bad thing which he’s mysteriously incapable of doing for reasons beyond anyone’s comprehension…
“You don’t need to be protected from us” he said while invading.
Yeah, again, not a winning argument here.
Still hinging literally everything on Donbas not being externally caused I see. As long as you cover up interference in other countries, it’s fine to use that as pretext to invade and do whatever you want.
I mean, we agree, Russia intends to exploit Ukraine’s natural gas reserves in the regions they are occupying, which definitely meets the definition you set out so…
Unless you’re insisting that Russia is going to just give that territory up after all this, despite them claiming they have a hereditary right to it all, because they just really wouldn’t want to accidentally profit off taking over their neighbors territory in which case, it sounds like the “flat earth level analysis” is coming from inside the house.
I’m not sure what the point of this considering that I am specifically calling you out for refusing to admit Russia is doing an imperialism and your deflection is to say that Japan did an imperialism. Is that supposed to make Russia all clear to do an imperialism?
Shocking that you’ve once again decided to ignore the important part and are focusing on anything but acknowledging that maybe Russia has something to do with the situation.
It’s only imperialism if it comes from the West, otherwise it’s just sparkling being an asshole to your neighbors isn’t a winning argument.
I’m sure you can find the strength within to scroll up, I know you’re just trying to waste my time.
And again, we are back to do you have evidence that Zelensky would’ve done these things if there wasn’t an active invasion of the country because that kind of shifts the context here. War is horrific, and no one gets exempt from those horrors, but you seem very willing to pretend that Russia isn’t doing anything wrong and that these things are only bad when Ukraine does them to Ukrainians and that Russia is just trying to to help by killing shitloads of Ukrainians so they can’t hurt other Ukrainians???
As opposed to accusing someone on the Internet of personally overthrowing multiple governments, which actually very serious and definitely not nonsense…
Have you considered that doing an imperialism under a non-western flag is still doing an imperialism?
Every single time you’ve assigned blame for things Russia did on Ukraine was you absolving Russia, hope that helps!
You’re not being accused of supporting Russia because you dislike Zelensky, you’re being accused of supporting Russia because there’s a large overlap between what you think would be good for you personally and what would be good for Russia and you refuse to acknowledge that overlap and dance around it in a way that comes off as arguing in bad faith.
Wow, I had no idea I personally intervened in Syria, Myanmar, Haiti, and Libya, I must have a ton of airline rewards and severe memory issues!
Don’t sins-of-the-father me if you don’t even know where I am, thanks in advance.
Show me where I either denied Ukraine was doing these things, or celebrated them happening, because that sure didn’t happen.
What I specifically said, and what you’ve consistently danced around, is that Russia is doing these things at least as much but more likely more and you seem to not really care about “your people” when Russians do these things to them. Maybe you’re a Ukrainian citizen who supports Russia taking over the country, or supports moving closer to Russias sphere of influence as opposed to the EU. Thats cool, you’re entitled to think that, but you aren’t entitled to pretend that Russia is magically absolved of anything bad they’ve done because WEST BAD.
Nice work cherry picking the single item on the list that doesn’t fit, you sure aren’t beating the allegations today!
My mistake, you described things Russia is doing and then assigned the agency of those things to the president of Ukraine, so I’m sure you can see why I’d be confused!
Yeah, analogies are hard when you take them as literally as possible.
Well since I said “you” and you aren’t the entire population of Ukraine (I assume, but maybe you do in fact contain multitudes) I don’t see how this is relevant at all!
the fart of the deal baybee