Very few are worth it for a longer time. I subscribe to Netflix only about twice a year for a month to catch up on 1-2 shows. Streaming services make it super easy to jump in and out, why not use that?
Previously SecretPancake on Feddit
Very few are worth it for a longer time. I subscribe to Netflix only about twice a year for a month to catch up on 1-2 shows. Streaming services make it super easy to jump in and out, why not use that?
They were recently added as a channel in Prime, at least in the US. Can’t you access it through that?
It worked well for me until at some point the audio in Plex was slightly off and there was no way to adjust anything in this damn app. I was not alone with this issue but they never did anything about it.
I consciously avoid having to control any of my smart home devices using voice or other weird methods. Everything is toggled with buttons or fully automatic. This works pretty well for me and voice control is still available but it’s only optional. Sure you might ask why even make it smart then? Because I’m a nerd and because I keep forgetting to turn lights off when I leave. Also smart thermostats are great.
Though I also gave up on my vacuum robot. Due to rearranging some furniture I had to move the vacuum base and let it rescan my apartment. But now for some reason it never gets past the dining room and aimlessly swirls around the table until the battery is dead, never finishing the room scan. On top of that it picked up a small pebble or something and scratched the floor. I had enough of it.
Ich habe zum Glück letztens Miso Paste im Asialaden als Pack mit vielen kleinen Beuteln gefunden. Das ist auf jeden Fall besser als diese Gläschen die man im regulären Supermarkt bekommt, wenn man es nicht so häufig braucht. Auch Algen gibt es dort teilweise in kleinen Portionen zu kaufen.
Eher gering denke ich. Und wenn müssen sie im Zweifel in einer Zweck-Koalition mit der CDU dahinvegetieren.
Hello Fresh kommt nicht in Frage, wegen dem von dir genannten Grund und weil mir das zu Baukastenmäßig ist. Ich bin ja bereits in Richtung der Mittelstandslösung unterwegs, das ist aber nicht für jedes Gericht geeignet. Perfekt für Eintöpfe, Chili usw.
Was mich noch mehr nervt sind Rezepte in denen sowas wie 20 g Spinat, 1 EL Miso Paste oder 1 Stange Sellerie steht. Sorry in den Mengen bietet ein Rewe das nicht an und ich weiß nicht was ich sonst mit Sellerie anfangen soll. Muss ich meine nächsten 2-3 Wochen jetzt so planen dass ich den Sellerie verbrauche oder bei den Nachbarn klingeln ob sie vielleicht etwas brauchen? Einige sind da sicher flexibel und schmeißen einfach alles was noch nicht schimmelig ist in einen Topf, die brauchen aber eh keine Rezepte. Ich bin leider nicht so.
Ich muss mich heute auch noch dransetzen und die Woche planen. Ich lasse aber immer 1-2 Tage offen in denen ich mir auch mal einfach spontan Nudeln mit Fertig-Pesto oder ein Frosta mache und generell versuche ich oft auch soviel zu kochen dass ich noch Reste übrig hab für den nächsten Tag. Das lockert es insgesamt etwas auf.
Aber: Team Pilze!
Wow 2025, such a long break.
Youtube itself hosts a library of royalty free music and effects to use in videos. Many creators just use that.
I personally don’t notice the music that much, I’m more annoyed by overused sound effects.
I guess the one that pretty much everyone knows in Germany is Buxtehude. It is being used as the poster child for a backwards town, far away from cities. Which is funny because neither is it backwards, remote or even very small. With a population of 40k it’s relatively large, compared to many other places in Germany, even just right next to Buxtehude. It is not far from Hamburg and its historic core is worth a visit. I think the name itself is the reason why it is being made fun of so much. Though there are so many other, much quirkier named towns in Germany but it somehow became Buxtehude.
I thought S02E01 had too many flashbacks. Not much actually happened. But I’m still excited for the rest of the season.
German car makers are unfortunately dealing with the same issue since the incentives were cancelled.
So then „bury“ it behind a paywall, why is that bad? A server costs money so let the people who want to use that server pay their part. I see no problem with that.
But Mac user, sorry.
I will have to cut down on costs but I won’t be poor, so yes.
Just improve the Home app please. It’s still on Matter 1.1.
People expecting a new Twitter when switching to Mastodon were met with weird behavior and nerds who told them the awful search function or weird comment count is working correctly because that’s how federation works. Well if that’s the case then federation is shit.
If you have no idea what Git is, that warning message is not telling you you’re about to delete 5000 files.
But I wonder if this person maybe does know about Git because they used the word „stage“.