Wii games on WiiU look good enough on my 60 inches to me. Obviously you can do the upscaling and get all the bells and whistles but I don’t know if these games would benefit from it at all. I like the slightly soft feeling as it is
Wii games on WiiU look good enough on my 60 inches to me. Obviously you can do the upscaling and get all the bells and whistles but I don’t know if these games would benefit from it at all. I like the slightly soft feeling as it is
I have quite a few consoles from most of the generations and honestly Wii is my favourite. I love playing Wii games, I love the idea of playing on this console and I love collecting for it. I think I actually have 3 or 4 Wiis but I use my WiiU for the HD (I do have a dongle for the Wii as well). There is no video game updates every time you put the disc in, there are no trophies or gamer score, no communities, social media features, ads. You boot it up and enjoy. Because it was so much different from what was on the market, developers couldn’t simply port games onto it. They had to develop with the console and its hardware in mind and that’s what made it special. I know that on paper Switch is just a better Wii as it has the best of both worlds (it has motion controls and its beefy enough to play more demanding games) but as the focus is mostly to catch up with the other consoles, I think it lost a bit of that magic.
This is it! Thank you so much!
It’s not it. I’ve seen Glass Onion but this was was a lot darker. At the end they are all running away trying to disable some sort of AI that powers the house (I might be wrong on this one). Very heavy on the 70s estethic. They were sitting in like one of those living room pit situations from the 70s
Throwing things at people is not a solution but guillotine is? I’m not taking sides here, just curious about the thoughts process. Are you arguing that milkshake is not enough?
Respect - did you learn how to do all that by yourself?
The scariest thing is when you read where did they take the inspiration for this from. Real stuff…
Do we know how many and from what countries? Cant find it in the article
She looks just like my Teddy!
Stunning views and stunning bike!
Such a nostalgic album for me
What a beauty. I have a CBF125 I’m going to mod. Maybe something like thjs
What a beauty! Seen one on a motorway some time ago. A real head turner
Thanks for the warning. I will speak to decadentrebel who started this community (and only asked me to moderate it) to see if the suggestions are worth adding to the rule bar.
Unfortunately I’m on an instance that doesn’t support downvotes, so I can’t even see those
I really don’t under your stand point here. I’m not targeting you either. I asked (!) another user Boozilla who has been active recently to update his posts to include a little synopsis of the article linked in their posts. They DMed me back saying “Done!” - no drama. It’s honestly just to keep this community clean and have some sort of continuity between posts. It’s easier when you scroll down the feed and you can see the title of the article as well as a short synopsis to catch your attention before you commit to reading the whole article. There is no rules, there is no commands, no one is telling anybody off - I just politely asked you. I hope you understand my motives - honestly there is no hostility intended.
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