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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • You might enjoy learning vanilla js and making a site with as few deps as you can get away with. Or a lightweight framework like svelte or preact. The browser stack is definitely some weird shit but it’s still somewhat approachable if you dig under the abstractions that most web devs never venture beyond. It definitely helped me cut through all the manufactured noise.

  • Good riddance, I say. Web dev is infested with layers upon layers of tools that attempt to abstract what is already fairly simple and straightforward to work with. We’re beyond the days of needing to build buttons out of small image fragments, and JS is (slowly) becoming more livable in its raw form. I welcome anything that keeps the toolchain as simple as possible.

  • I think what started me down the anti-React path was realizing that there were other frameworks out there that don’t even use a virtual dom. Plus you get tired of being told that the most obvious and intuitive way to do various things in React actually goes against some best practice that they’ve established.

  • I got pulled over and the cop found a 1/2 gram of pot in my car (a very small amount), which ended up with me having to do community service and take regular drug tests. I was working as a line cook at the time, but being forced to stop smoking weed gave me the push to finally apply for an entry level manufacturing position at a local company who does drug tests. Years later I still work there, but as a software engineer, and attending online college. I wouldn’t quite say I’m grateful about the ass backwards drug laws and invasive drug screening, but I really can’t argue that my current situation is a lot better than it was back then. Without that event, I might still be working random entry level jobs.