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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I also uninstalled after 2ish hours, but had the good sense to refund. What I got wasn’t worth 60 bucks, and I’m not gonna pay for a promise. This then starts falling under the “don’t pre-order video games” category, and I absolutely just will not do that.

    There were too many delays already, the game was way too broken to be even sold at all (even as early access), it was literally a sea of red flags.

    Early access is fine for indie studios with a couple of devs. It’s fine for games 10-30 bucks. It isn’t ok for games that cost 60 and are backed by a multi-billion dollar publisher or parent company. One of the reasons being that this publisher can pull the plug at any time, cause share holders are unhappy, which is exactly what happened.

  • This is still not an ordinary failure by your definition of it being a single point that failed. It’s was like half a dozen “things” that went wrong for that plane to get into the air without those bolts. From not putting them in, to missing inspections, missing cross-checks. Sounds extraordinary to me. Which is the whole point of why it’s a deeper issue, showing systematic problems at Boeing and it’s partners, and the FAA not doing it’s job, too.

  • I wrote something about this in another comment just now, and while cracks in eggs with holes weren’t frequent, they still happened for me. I have been taught to poke holes in when I was young, and just always did and assumed it was needed. Now I stopped and nothing changed, basically. But it also means I have no point of comparison for how often they used to break without having poked holes, since I just never cooked them like that in the (distant) past.

    There’s also no real downside to poking holes either, so why not if it might help. I have just misplaced my hole-poking-thingy anyway, so that saves some space in my drawer and not having to get a new one.

  • Just because there’s a logical explanation for why it could work doesn’t mean that’s actually what happens, or that pressure is even the dominant effect causing cracks.

    Cracks could also come from bouncing around in the water, which could be solved by holding them up in some way. Or it could be weak points/areas from not badly formed shells from hens living in too tight quarters or being malnurished, where buying eggs from more humane sources would solve it. Or a combination, where the pressure differences in the water from rising steam bubbles cause uneven water-pressure on the egg, but they only crack when they are sufficiently weak to begin with, so just putting less water in might be enough to not make em crack (cause then there’s also less water pressure). I could be the packaging, that some eggs develop cracks during transport and they then make them vulnerable, so more local or differently packaged eggs wouldn’t crack at all. As you can see, it’s not that hard to come up with logical explanations and just doing a few things differently might just solve the problem, and even then the reason it was resolved might still be something completely different than we thought.

    For comparison: I haven’t poked a hole into an egg in a long time, and I think I had like one or two crack this year. My eggs come from the farmer one street over, and the hens are freeroaming with plenty of space. They don’t get transported at all. Sometimes, I use a steam thingy to boil them, sometimes in water. Even when I did poke holes in, some eggs used to crack anyway, and I’d guess 1 in 3 months in a pretty good guess as to what the frequency was, that’s why I said “roughly the same numer” in another comment.

  • Ah so it’s a linux problem when the gpu driver causes instability, cause NVidia is making a shitty and proprietary linux driver and the market share is too small to warrant putting more effort in. Linux doesn’t have it’s own fully-featured graphics driver, so that company has to come in and provide their own since linux can’t supply it. And mistakes happen. Roughly the same logic.

    That’s not linux fault. Neither is it Microsofts fault when a company selling a security product decides it has to run in kernel mode and then they don’t properly test a release and just decide to yolo it.

  • I stopped doing the “pokey thing” and have had roughly the same number of breaks at before, maybe even less (one less point to fracture from without the hole). Subjective interpretation of the effectiveness is useless, as we humans are subject to so many possible bias that’s it’s impossible to be objective, no matter how hard we try. You can’t even eat enough eggs to have a statistically relevant sample size, let alone one large enough to determine if it does or doesn’t “help a little”.

    You “feel” it helps. That’s ok. Also ok to act on. It’s just about boiling your own eggs.

  • I really wish people works stop cramming everything into a Pi form factor. This one would be much better served with another design. Notice there are no pictures of the bottom side? There are when you go to the Ali Express store, and it’s literally a blank n100. Not even a could plate to move at least some heat, just nothing.

    N100 needs some amount of cooling. Either a great big choker probably larger than the pi for passive cooling, or a more suitably sized one for some sort of fan. Or you can run it without any cooler and see it throttle when using about half a core, defeating the purpose of having an n100 on there in the first place…

  • The whole cracking egg thing is way overblown. For the longest time we poked holes into the side with the air bubble, turns out that didn’t actually do anything either (so we stopped that). It could be that faster or slower heating or the shell makes cracking more or less likely, but unless someone actually (scientifically) tests this, who knows?

  • Well there more than one solution, if you want it. First of all, podman actually works fine with docker compose files. There may be some adjustments needed in other places, because despite the claim of being “a drop in docker replacement”, it just isn’t (quite). So assuming you install docker compose (not docker), you can just “docker-compose up” (note the dash) and it should work. Should.

    Your can also just spin up a VM and install docker with compose in there, just for testing and/or running immich.