CrookedSerpent [she/her]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2020

  • I agree with you in the fact that it’s hard for me to examine my past gender identity because so much of it is tainted by the constant abuse that was my childhood. How can I objectively say how I felt as a boy when I was literally attacked on a daily basis in part due to my femininity (I was very flamboyant and not white in a VERY conservative small town). I think that’s part of the reason why I tend to just want to leave all of that behind me and just identify as binary; parsing that terrible part of my life in my own mind is hard enough, let alone explaing that to people as I telll them I’m gender fluid, but actually I am functionally the most binary trans woman ever please don’t treat me as a man I’ll cry… lol

  • oh your comment diddnt come off wrong to me at all dw

    While I do, at least conceptually, think i could be described as genderfluid/non-binary. In practical terms, I would rather jump out of a window than live as a man in any capacity ever again. So regardless of the reasons for that, I feel as if identifying as a binary trans woman best describes me to other people dexpite my expereince of getting here being vastly diffrent from most trans people. There is also the possibility that my expereince is just an unsual, but still binary, trans-fem experience and im just overanlyizing so much, as if you just look at the (external) tangables of my entire transition (I am now happier living as a woman than I ever have been, more confident than i ever have been, have no desire to live as a man ever again, love the way my body works on estrogen, had bottom surgery and was incredibly happy with it) it reallly does just seem like im a binary trans girl… idk

  • I touched on this in another thread but wanted to share here.

    CW: controversial? Musings on my own personal experience of being trans by happenstance

    Unlike most trans people I’ve met, I am of the belief that I am here now, living life as a stealth trans woman, as a direct result of my environment, not because of some internal gender that was always there. I am convinced that if I wasn’t relentlessly bullied, harassed, degraded, beaten, and rejected by my peers as a child (due mostly to racism and homophobia) I would not have even thought to transition. I feel as if I consciously decided to become a woman at my lowest point, 4 years ago, simply as a way to kill the broken, unloved and unlovable husk of a person with no childhood, and no hope for the future and become someone, anyone, else. I dipped my toes in the water of experimenting with my presentation, and I was surprised by how easily I was able to pass, which only fueled my desire to transition solely as a way to save my life, which simply could not have continued as the broken “man” I was. I was on the brink but I saw a way out.

    I started doing everything in my power to dress fasionably and femininely, went crazy hard on voice training, researched all I could on DIY hrt and how to source it, in an effort to pass at all costs. It was working shockingly well, and in a few months, long before I had even self identified as a women, I was passing as a women, very consistently, and for the first time in my life, I was able to be okay. I was able to feel confident in myself, express myself, not hate everything about me, because I wasn’t me anymore, I wasnt that broken THING I left behind, I could start over, and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. Living this way, passing as a woman while still secretly identifying as a man in my own head, slowly but surely over the course of a year, my internal gender literally changed into that of a woman, and one day, I actually, truly belived it with every fiber of my being, long after the world arround me did. It’s funny looking back, and a bit embarrassing, but after all that, 4 years later I am more sure that I am a woman than literally anything else about me, despite my recollection of events, and am positive that transitioning not only saved my life, but finally allowed me to enjoy it. However, I am almost positive that had my childhood been full of love, acceptance, and happiness, I would have never even considered transitioning. It very well could be the case that I am simply rationalizing away my “inherent transness” but that’s just my current take on it. Anayws, just felt like I wanted to get that off my chest and maybe hear the thoughts of other trans people on that whole ordeal…

  • I guess I am rather unique in my experience of transness in that I started living full time (and even passing) as a woman before I even self identified as one. The thing is, lifing as a women for aabout a year literally changed my internal sence of gender, I wanted it to happen and I made it happen. Maybe that’s just me rationalizing my inherent “transness” but that’s my recollection of events.

  • I’m somebody who absolutely does think I am trans purely by life circumstances, but I also recognize that the vast majority of trans people aren’t. Like I am incredibly glad that I transitioned and am now living life mostly stealth as a woman, years down the line, but I’m almost positive that if I wasn’t put through literal hell as a child (in the very cruel and specific ways that I was) I wouldn’t have even thought to have transitioned as a young adult. Perhaps I am completely incorrect in my assumptions about myself, and I would have turned out this way no matter what, but I find it hard to believe that if I wasn’t relentlessly bullied, harassed, beaten, and rejected by my peers as a child, that I would be sitting here now as a woman. I feel like I literally became a woman by sheer force of will in order to save my life, because I literally could not continue as the broken husk of a “man” I was at 21, and by some miracle it worked. But maybe I’m just delusional, idk