Just get the gas! It’s very affordable and very relaxing i did mine without the gas and it still wasn’t too bad
Just get the gas! It’s very affordable and very relaxing i did mine without the gas and it still wasn’t too bad
Twas ass anyhow
Fuck it. I wanna suck a dick before everything goes tit’s up.
Like a clean and kinda cute one though. Non dick type of dick ya kmow
Me and my Nanas were tight as fuck. I used to thrift shop with both of them a lot (separately) but yeah, lost one a year ago and that hurt quite bad
5 day old, room temp pasta, is simply unforgivable
But it’s not a rocket that’s shot into the air. It’s almost like opening a massive flood gate with unimaginable psi. Then a cloud floats on up and creates rain.
The machine is meant to mimic rocket launches so they can better be studied.
No rockets are ever launched though
Mmmmm yeah use that thumb big boi
The true American dream
To a very low extent she’s somewhat correct. I’ll preface by say mtg is an idiot
Cloud seeding is a thing where an aircrafct drops something into clouds and it somewhat adjusts the type of precipitation. And nasa has a machine that simulates extremely loud rockets and it shoots out a mix of hydrogen and oxygen “h2o?” and it creates a cloud that will actually rain. However this is only done in one place i know of and is somewhere in the middle of nowhere Mississippi.
To what extent does mtg think weather can be controlled or created is the question and i imagine she’s implying we can steer a hurricane or send tornados to our enemies
Lol. K. Whatever
I got short because you’re just as insufferable as op. We get it bro, you own a keyboard. Now type less plz
Oh snap , I get y up big mad. It’s cuz u comment just as much as op posts. I’m pretty sure you’re the op actually. If no yall need to meet and marry because you could live a beautiful life online together or whatever
deleted by creator
I don’t agree… He/ she or they / them or who the heck ever posts a TON of left leaning political propaganda. Now, I despise trump and musk and pretty much anyone on the right and consider myselfvery far left. But I don’t post 10+ times a day about it.
If that’s not political motivational posting then what is??
One look at their profile will show the motivation
No one and I mean no can fill sagans shoes. If that’s what he’s trying to do he gonna meet backlash as such. He needs to pace his own way and make folks interested in what he has to say. My problem with him is he portrays most everything as fact. When in reality nothing is certain and that’s what a great scientist would say
That’s even worse. They are then like a stray dog or cat begging for scraps. Sad as fuck really
Living by yourself in rural areas is wonderful. However every now and then you’ll hear a noise at 2am and not sleep right for a week. Only downside really
While I’m all for euthanasia for those suffering, how about first we pour every available resource into psychedelic assisted therapies. If at first these therapies fail (which they’ve proven helpful in large numbers of rape victims, soliders with ptsd etc) then we talk about assisted suicide. There is much more research to be done in the field of psychedelics. M.a.p.s. is doing incredible work however they are shot down every time they attempt to advance availabilities in the field
Damn. Almost looks like most can’t swim which is why the all seem so reluctant to abandon ship. Nightmare stuff man
My instant pot is amazing. Everyone i know has one. How did they fail??
One question. How much? Unless its very very affordable i.e. cheaper than implants then it’s just another dental resource I can’t afford. In the US insurance companies will label this as cosmetic and thus only for the wealthy
Awesome science though, just hope some of the less fortunate can actually afford it
Bummer. Good luck!!