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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • The human mind doesn’t even really fully mature until your mid 20s. A 15 year old still has a good full decade until full maturity, and they are notorious for making impulsive decisions without realizing the consequences of their actions.

    What he did was wrong and he deserves punishment, but ruining his life too for being a dumb teenager does nothing for the unimaginable harm caused to this girl, it just makes more victims.

    I don’t know what the right answer is, but I can tell you the wrong answer is to ruin a teenagers life over a stupid act when that isn’t going to solve anything.

  • Our disagreement over whether chasing a fleeing person down and hitting them with a skateboard counts as aggression ultimately makes no difference to my point

    The other poster implied that he just had a skateboard and flinched. I pointed out that it was more than that. You disagreed with my classification of it being aggressive, but ultimately agreed with my point that it was more than just a flinch. It wasn’t irrelevant, just your classification of it being aggressive was irrelevant. Which is what I already clearly said. Why grossly misconstrue it?

    this sealioning you’re doing is extremely tedious.

    Blatant projection because your posts have been peppered with questions, the last post you are responding to from me is just me restating my argument.

  • We had moved on to talk about whether or not defending people is aggression

    Maybe you’ve moved on, certainly it appears you want to, but I’ve reiterated my point in each of these posts. To argue that I’ve moved on is patently incorrect.

    Our disagreement over whether chasing a fleeing person down and hitting them with a skateboard counts as aggression ultimately makes no difference to my point: I’m not here to take sides and announce who was justified, but to point out that by blatantly misrepresenting what happened it makes it clear that the poster also isn’t really confident in their definitive conclusion.

  • You realize that you’re ultimately agreeing with my point: this is not some guy who just flinched, but as you are painting him some hero that chased down someone he thought was about to kill people.

    You think he was justified, and maybe he was, but the top level commenter tried to paint this as some innocent person getting shot for not doing anything other than flinching, which grossly misrepresents what you and I both think happened.

  • Except you are suggesting that the person with the skateboard was in the wrong.

    No I’m not. I said what I said: he was not some person just holding a skate board who flinched, as painted, but an aggressor. Or are you arguing that charging someone and then hitting them with a skateboard is not aggressive?

    how was he in the wrong?

    Again, I did not say he was in the wrong. I just explicitly said I think he believes he was acting nobly.

  • The most prominent explanation being that he was stopping an active shooter. But even if we accept that story, it completely undercuts the effective argument of “but he just had a skateboard and flinched!”

    I think everyone in this situation thought they were doing the noble thing. It’s just easier to process if we assume one person is a bad guy, and the other person was acting nobly and rationally in pursuit of some higher purpose, rather than accepting the messy truth.