Those are ink printers so this track.
Those are ink printers so this track.
Cult mentality
Figuring this shit out is a lot of work to be honest. Even a truthful source can be misleading as hell by omitting important context. Just like for hardware review, or video game review, or whatever, I try to find someone whose reporting omit nothing on some stuff I heavily researched (it’s rare), and only then I feel comfortable weighting in their report on the stuff I know less about.
On the other hand, a lot of people just eat everything up from some random source they grew up with because the alternative is a lot of work, mentally and emotionally.
That being said, there is a certain point where listening to those people’s opinions stop being fruitful. Hence, I don’t really care about any extremist views in places like Lemmy.
Don’t you just love being fed plausible deniability BS over and over and over again. I’ve lost friends over this bs. People who always argue in bad faith, always invoke plausible deniability, always min/max each interaction with hidden motives - should be given no attention and credibility. Unfortunately, those people strives in corporate environments, and as you would expect, they’re often responsible for marketing, PR, sales, and corporate strategies. Corporations are the annoying lying friends you don’t want around.
This is my stance as well. I have a decade of experience and I have been a workaholic, so at this point I wouldn’t want to work somewhere with that bs anyway. I also have experienced one great HR team.
That being said, I know how the game is played. A decade ago, I listed a dozen things on my resume I would have had trouble to demonstrate, but nowadays I can just build a nice story that is 100% truthful from cherry-picked facts. Sad truth is that if you’re too candid you might come off as too disengaged nowadays. I’ve seen it happen in interviews. Best to pretend that your life led to this moment, and that you’re that kind of person to find exciting whatever kind of work it is. If you lack experience for entry-level roles, just fill the gaps with lies.
It’s the same for every place you need to apply or pitch an idea where the places are limited. Criterias just get absurd, and even acing the criterias might not be enough. People who rise are simply the better bullshiters.
Years ago my friend received a call for a job, within minutes the HR person asked if he had a good experience with a certain language and he flat out said no, even though he had some very basic knowledge. The interview ended right there. I just couldn’t believe that he wouldn’t lie, he was perfect for the job, but HR does not care. He’s been in the same role for 10 years and unwilling to “lie” to get a promotion or a new role, so that is where we are. This 30% of honest employees is probably not getting the best jobs.
A) Take the L and don’t do it again.
B) Welcome to the internet.
Story is behind a paywall, so yeah, X to doubt.
Learn how to fix wrong driver 0x000015F1 no sound in Warcraft on your computer!
They needed a good casus belli, this is as good as it is gonna get for them PR-wise.
Truth is virtually no country ever denounce shit if they have something to lose doing so. Geopolitics is rooted in each nation self-interest.
On top of that, Palestinians just hasn’t been good neighbors and no country on earth want to bring the kind of chaos of taking them as refugees. So we have it. Most nations will root for Israel out of self-interest, and pretend there is no need to take refugees.
Yeep, I think everyone with half a brain feared for the peaceful transfer of power early in his presidency, or even back during his first campaign. Reporters asked him every now and then if he’d accept the results and he always answered wannabe-dictator shit. Then to the leading to the 6th of jan it was plain as day that he would pull something with the mail-in bailots as a justification to overthrow the government. Then of course it fucking happens, and a third of the country is playing dumb. If you were reading the alt-right popular forum you knew it was meant to be their big day, a lot of people were armed that day but they pussied out
I made games primarily for Windows which we also compiled for Linux. It is mostly input/output stuff, aka hardware issues. That is, audio issues, input issues, storage issues, dependency issues. Modern game engine mostly handle the rest. It wasn’t such a big deal to fix, but most gamedev lacked experience with Linux, and most projects are already over budget and late, so fixing Linux for an extra 2-5% of sales didn’t make much sense at small scale. Proton kind off fixed all of this tho.
This is what makes me uncomfortable about going all-in as an “ally”. I’ve heard very dubious and unprovable allegations in my time. If you dig a bit, it always end up being very much indistinguishable from insecurity. Everyone experience being ignored and talked over in those meetings, how is the get-go explaination sexism? How can you possibly know? Don’t get me wrong, I know for a fact that some of those situations are real, but I have witnessed way too many ridiculous accusations to take this talking point seriously anymore. I am not talking about overt sexism here and bad"jokes", but at this micro-aggression concept where you can be labeled a sexist for… not agreeing with a woman?
I can tell you my experience as a man tho, I worked with incredibly nice men who were scared to say the wrong thing or to participate in some meetings because we worked with extremely vocals and repressives feminists, and you can definitely lose your job for being accused of any type of misogyny around here. The tone gets really hostile real quick too. There is no discussion to be bad on this subject, my experience is invalid because I am a man, to be ridiculed because I am ignoring very clear evidences on purpose, apparently. Next week I could write about being ignored due to my height and I would get laughted out of the room, rightly so.
I have the impression that being “good” at the game wasn’t even a concern back then. I remember a lot of players being completely unbothered about their own character levels and wealth. Players were busy building communities and driven by small and personal achievements. Sometime I wish gaming had remained niche and never reached the masses. The early 00s was such a sweet spot.
100%. Not to mention you don’t lose your mind on shrooms, and the trip is over in a few hours. Even if you were to lose contact with reality on shrooms, you wouldn’t have the capability to carry out anything. This feel like a weird deflect authored by someone who knows nothing about mushrooms.
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of all the games released on Steam in 2022, only 70 have hit the million dollars threshold. I think it is misleading to bundle all “indies” in one big basket. Those 70 games can afford to pay or negociate. Don’t get me wrong, total dick and amateurish move from Unity, but the amount of people around social media who believe game devs can just hit the threshold by accident and become unprofitable is ridiculous. Current gamedev here and ex Unity employee. It is worth denouncing Unity and fighting for our indies, but understand that this affect the 0.01%, literally. 70 games out of 6000 released games on Steam in 2022. Sure most games are shit and w/e, but you get the point.
How so?