My first thought was “Oh cool, it really looks like A Legionary’s Life”. My second thought was “Oh, it’s made by the same guy you dummy”
I think the word genre comes directly from the french word (“genre”, meaning “type”), which in the plural form is “genres”. I don’t think “genera” means anything, it’s probably a typo
On est a deux doigts du scénario de Kingsmen, les implications me terrifient
You created this post in order to give yourself an alibi when someone notices this game appears in your “Last games played”, didn’t you?
If that is supposed to be your ultimate proof that horseshoe theory is real, you might have some more convincing to do
Le fait que je ne voie ton commentaire que 6 jours plus tard me fait penser que c’est probablement une bonne idée malheureusement. Je passe toujours de temps en temps pour voir si il y a du nouveau mais j’ai jamais réussi à faire décoller cette commu
The Rich Asshole class is OP honestly, hopefully they nerf it soon
Macron is the President, not the PM, so he doesn’t have to leave. Moreover, he’s the only one who can appoint a new PM, so all the NFP can do is put forward a candidate and hope His Majesty Macron deems him/her to be worthy. The whole situation is essentially a soft coup by Macron and his party, there’s no way around it
Most main figures or the center parties came out of the bush and admitted they wouldn’t work with a Left government, even after its most radical component (LFI) proposed not playing an active role in this hypothetical government
31% of republicans won’t be voting for long
Oh so the real inhabitants of Paris showed up for the Olympics too?
Haven’t played mine in ages, it might be time to dust it off
Vraiment super impressionné, je m’attendais a rien et je pensais même pas spécialement regarder mais j’ai été scotché tout de suite
La gauche a une opportunité unique de sortir de la plus grosse crise institutionnelle de la Ve la tête haute, et tout ce qu’il faut pour que ça arrive est que LFI se mette d’accord avec le PS. Ouais ok, on est dans la merde.
Je sais plus où j’avais lu ça, mais quelqu’un sur internet a dit il y a quelques semaines que Villepin c’est un peu comme si un mec de droite été tombé dans le coma il y a 20 ans et se réveillait aujourd’hui de centre-gauche tellement le paysage politique s’est droitisé.
The math is a bit more complicated since there are multiple tax brackets below 400k, but that’s the general idea yeah
It doesn’t even work like that: only the “extra” revenue above 400k would be subject to the 90% tax, everything below that would still be subject to standard tax rates
No, RN is third by number of seats, with NFP (united left) being first and Ensemble (center-right) being second
I hate the subscription model so much