• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Ukraine’s relationship with its international partners has become increasingly complex, and it was perhaps inevitable that tensions and differences of opinion between Kyiv and its allies arose as the war with Russia dragged on.

    Well, that’s one hand-wavy ass way to justify souring ties with Ukraine.

    Ukraine has to tread a fine line with its international friends. It is reliant on its partners for billions of dollars’ worth of military hardware, as well as other forms of humanitarian and financial assistance, and it needs a continuous and increasing supply of arms to fight Russia.

    “We did all these nice things for ukraine, they should be more gratefull”. I’m expecting this to become one of the main talking points against ukraine in the medias as the west search for excuses to pull out of the ukraire-russia war.

    It (Ukraine) insists, however, that it is fighting not only for its own survival but for the West, too, facing a hostile and unpredictable Russia.

    Ha yes, it’s totally not the westerners that were like “if russia win, they’ll attack moldova and the baltic states and continue to push toward the west” just a few months ago. Seems to me like an attempt to turn that previous narrative around and frame it as a manipulation from ukraine to convince the west they should give them stuff. Of cource they would do this, libs are naive, not amnesic, they remember what the medias said about ukraine a few month ago. If they want to justify pulling out of the war their only option is to refraime all those things as a manipulation/propaganda campaign from ukraine to convince the west to help them fight an unwinable war.

    Zelenskyy’s decision to tell his staunch backers that Ukraine deserved “respect,” as NATO met to discuss additional support for Kyiv, was a step too far.

    Unless I misenderstood that sentence, westerner thinking their lackey asking for respect is “too far”.

    The U.K., for one, he said, was not an Amazon warehouse that could supply endless weaponry to Kyiv when it was given a “shopping list.”

    “A country we’e pledged to provide what they need to is asking us for things they need? The audacity!”

    The Washington Post reported sources noting that U.S. officials had been so roiled that they had briefly considered watering down what Kyiv would be offered at the summit.

    It’s happening guys, the infinite weapon flow is gonna slowly shrink!

    “The comments made by Zelenskyy before the last summit did not really resonate well in Washington … the U.S. administration was very annoyed,” a source with knowledge of the matter who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the situation, told CNBC.

    The source noted that Washington had also been vexed by other episodes in the war in which Ukraine had seemingly ignored its advice, making the NATO episode more frustrating for the White House.

    Yep, they are definitely starting to skew the narative toward something like “it’s all ukraine’s fault”. I’m not gonna highlight every passage that blame ukraine for something, but it’s pretty obvious what they are trying to do here.

    In the end, the NATO alliance stood firm behind Kyiv and stressed its unity, keeping its eyes on the bigger objective: ensuring Russia does not “win” the war against its neighbor and becomes emboldened to attack other former Soviet republics.

    Basically admitting that their main objective is (as we’ve been saying since the start of the war) to weaken russia and that ukraine winning was at most a secondary objective.

    Retired British Gen. Richard Barrons defended Ukraine’s approach to Bakhmut, telling CNBC that, domestically, “Bakhmut matters” for Kyiv. Defending the town appeared to be part of Ukraine’s wider “starve, stretch and strike” strategy, the former commander of the U.K.’s Joint Forces Command noted, in which it sought to wear down the Russian occupiers, attacking reserves, ammunition supplies and logistics, and to stretch Russian forces along the 600-mile front line.

    Ha yes, “starve, strech and strike” “”“strategy”“”. Continuously trying and failing to retake a strategically unimportant city for over a year is such a great strategy.

  • Wow, I didn’t expected a “they payed you to say that” kind of argument so soon (unless that’s somehow not what you’re implying here). You already out of talking points to throw at us 4 measly comments in the conversation?

    I’m actually from france, but just for the sake of argument, let’s pretend you are right: I am a fealthy fed payed by the big bad dictatorship to spread propaganda, you’ve unmasked me, you most intelligent random internaut had piersed the secret, your gazed, sharpened by nights and days of scrowling through thousands of internet shitposts, has seen through my digital mask, what a trully amazing intellect, what a brilliant insight, congratulation, sherlok holmes called, he want you on his team.

    So what? Is that all you can oppose to my pro autoritarian propaganda? Do you not want to warn others of my terrible and dangerous actions? As a fervent defender of democracy, should you not make sure to dismentle my argument so that poor souls stumbling on this post and on the verge of getting brainwashed by my evil propaganda could see my devious ploy for what it is and not fall to my evil conspiracy? Surely, as a citizen of the free and democratic world, the last, proudly standing bastillon of liberty on this earth consumed by autoritarianism you can’t let that happen! You can’t stand still, just letting such a weak responce and risk to make your side, the side of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY, look less resonable than the evil totalitarians, the side that defend a dictator that eat all the food his country produce all by himself and surely eat babys as well! Can you?

    So what are you doing? Where is your responce to my argument? What aren’t you using that mesmerizing intelect of yours, that sharp and precise analysis and that flawless deducting skills that you have, that had seen through my digital mask, seen the sham for what it is, to counter me? Where is the ruthless and effective dismenteling of my argument? Where is the methodic dissecting point by point? Where is the witty yet proffound comeback? Surely, since I’m nothing but a dirty propaganda shill lying through his teeth it can’t be hard for you, Ô enlightened westerner, to show with sources and logic that I’m a dirty liar, can it?

    Surely, you are able to anwer my questions right? Of course you are! You are so incredibly intelligent, you have shown us such a deep insight, such a profound reflection, your previous responce is such an intricate condensate of witt and unchallengable pure logic it has me trembling at the mear thought of what you could respond to this one. I can’t wait to read your carfull and toughtfull dismenteling of the so called north corean “democracy” exposing the evil dictatorship for what it is!

  • By dictatorship I mean a government with extreme accumulation of government, and usually military, power in less than a handful of individuals with ineffective or even lack of democratic elections.

    In order to be able to tell if a government is a dictatorship or a democracy, one has to know how said government works first. Make sense, right?

    So, in order to make sure you’re not talking out of your ass here, I have to ask you the question: What do you know about the inner workings of the government of the DPRK? What are the component parts of the government, their function and how are their members choosen? How many and what parties are there and how do they take part in politics? What position does Kim Jong Un occupy? Do you know any other polititians beside him? Is there any elections?

    If you can’t answer any of these questions, on what basis exactly are you claming that the DPRK is a dictatorship?

  • Wow, to think the largest military in the world and army of the world’s military and economic egemon is that fucking useless, You can’t make that up 💀 . I just did a quick high balling estimation of the stockpile:

    The MIM-104 patriot has existed for 39 years, assuming, to symplify, that the production has been a constent 150 per year since then up to now and ignoring the ones exported or already used, the US stockpile of patriot missiles is AT ABSOLUTE MOST 5850 missiles, no more. Witch mean they used more than 0.6% of their entire stockpile on this one single shot.

    Of course, if we take into acount the already used ones in previous wars + the ones sold to other countries, they have WAY less than that in their stockpile.