vintage contraption amateur here, looks like a telephone switch to me
vintage contraption amateur here, looks like a telephone switch to me
I can and will put polycrystalline silicon rods up my ass, and nobody can stop me
This how real professional IT people should deal with the UNHOLY computer, do not dare to BEEP at me machine MY FLESH IS A GIFT FROM GOD YOU SINFUL AMALGAM OF SILICONE AND COPPER, YOUR SPELLS HAVE NO POWER OVER ME
Some of them also sound pointless, e.g the emoji keyboards. I know for a fact windows, macos and chromeos have inbuild emoji selectors. On linux KDE also has an selector, idk about gnome but even if it doesn’t have one there’s probably a shell exstention for that, there’s also an app called grin (or maybe smile? can’t be bothered to google rn). I literally can’t see a reason to use an web extension over those.
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why bother with that in a rant, I say it’s bloat, and they were right to no use it. in fact now that im thinking about this i realize i can save a lot of time if i dont give a shit what the text looks like. cry about it
oh, that would make sense 😅
Did you mean to comment this somewhere else? Or am I just not getting something?
Are you from the USA? Anyway, I put that “Try to name one that is not far-right” there for a reason (Hint: You are right and it is a religious and cultural symbol). If you want to learn more about the hakenkrauz and why it is a hate symbol in the west, read make some notes idk I can’t be bothered right now
Exercise for the reader: The above user states that, in their belief, the swastika should no longer be considered a hate symbol because of the state of Israel’s genocide on Palestinians.
Bonus question: The Jews were not the only victims of the Holocaust; name at least one other ethnic group and one social group that were also victims. Why hasn’t the user considered them in the statement? What could be the user’s opinion about the groups?
military propaganda in your 196? It’s more likely than you think
Her triangle tits are a good optimization decision, in Tomb Raider the camera is behind the player almost the entire game, right? By putting less polygons into her tits they probably had saved enough to make the stuff you can see (her ass) not a square. You don’t put resources into what the player won’t see, this is basic gamedev people
I forgot two places - both as bad as Zakopane - One is the Hel(l) Peninsula, it’s as overcrowded as Zakopane; but it has a single road (one lane each way) that gets jammed very fast, you can be stuck there like 5 hours, even though it’s only 30 Km long. The second one is Krynica Morska, a town located on the Vistula Spit(separating Vistula Lagoon from Gdańsk Bay, in the Baltic Sea) and it has the same problem as Hel - it’s a popular destination with only one road in and out.
Here’s what I would avoid when traveling to Poland:
Also in general avoid capital cities, they are often the worst of major cites in a given country.
I don’t have a strong opinion about furries but I know enough about Martin Niemoller to welcome kink, furries and everybody else people like you might be against, cuz I read his fucking poem. Kindly fuck right off
There’s like 8 recent ‘genocide emergencies’ declared by Genocide Watch not including Palestine and Ukraine
In post WW2 Poland (as late as 1950 I think) there were around 200 work camps, organized by the new ‘Communist’ government, and some organized by the red army or/and NKVD. At least around 75 thousand people have died in them, most of them Germans, but a non marginal amount of them were Ukrainians, Poles and Lemkos. Not the same scale as the holocaust, no death camps, but it did happen.
thanks for the help!
Terraria, NPC happiness was one of the things added in the
lastmost recent major update