The community claims to be moderated by the r/unixporn mods.
The community claims to be moderated by the r/unixporn mods.
It’s stuff like this that makes me want to give Tumbleweed a try. 3 minutes test
People downvoting this either didn’t read it or don’t understand that this is mocking the original image.
My curfew was garden hose
I mean come on. This is clearly not meant to be taken seriously, and the fact that it is may be a testament to OP’s editing skills or those of whoever OP got the post from.
It might be real, but if it is, it is almost certainly satire. Or it’s real and some people are actually that oblivious.
It’s “I could not care less” not “I could care less”. If you could care less, then that means you care. If you can’t care less, then that means you are all out of fucks to give.
You probably already know, but in the off chance you don’t, he also wrote The Martian. Very similar style, and I definitely recommend that as well.
I just finished Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. It’s an awesome near future sci fi about an astronaut with amnesia trying to save Earth from impending doom.
I love how technical Weir gets. He really makes me excited about math and science because he shows the practical application of it all. And I especially love the element of discovery that is prominent throughout, but especially in the beginning of the book. It just keeps getting better and better as the main character continues making discoveries about himself and his environment.
The narrator, Ray Porter, did a fine job. He isn’t my favorite narrator, but he certainly didn’t get in the way, which is enough for me.
Finally, I purchased and listened to the book on Audible.
I work on standard 104 key keyboards for my day job, but run an Iris Plus with custom keymap at home. I found that during the period that I was learning the Iris, my ability to type on a regular keyboard diminished slightly. I attribute this to the fact that for the first time in years I regularly had to think about what I was typing because I was learning a new layout. Once I pretty much had the layout memorized, I had no problem whatsoever switching back and forth.
It might have also helped that I wasn’t typing exclusively on the ergo, so it may benefit you to practice on a standard layout every so often if you are concerned about slowing down.
Huh. I didn’t know that. To be honest, I didn’t know that there was a Koopa named Lemmy until I looked at their github either. I’ve never played Mario.
Per Lemmy’s GitHub
Why’s it called Lemmy?
Smells hard*
Yes, you have replied to a thread on kbin. At least, I assume it shows up in kbin. I’m actually replying from Lemmy right now. The fediverse is beautiful.
Welp. It’s over. We can’t compete with cats with opposable thumbs.
Nice. The susuwatari looks especially interesting.
You should have demonstrated what sexual harassment is so he doesn’t make such a silly mistake again.
Thanks! MT3 has quickly become my favorite profile as well.
I bet that set you back a bit lol. Which ones do you have?
I actually really like them. The only other profiles I’ve tried are XDA and OEM (naturally), and MT3 feels like the best of them. My fingers just kind of fall right into the center of the cap every time because of their scoop.
I believe Ryzen 7000 boards are already available for preorder in the 13 inch. Preorders are supposed to ship starting late 2023, so you should be all good by next year.