How could one have known that this was meant as a joke?
I like Proton but to me it seems like the social media person from Proton did an oopsie and as a reaction they try to save it.
If you are in need of some real fresh light, I would recommend to go outside at daytime.
How could one have known that this was meant as a joke?
I like Proton but to me it seems like the social media person from Proton did an oopsie and as a reaction they try to save it.
Cool! You got a lot of potential imo! Love the lighting and the perspectives. I’d love to see your progress! All the best
That’s just great! Now I want that :(
I think OP lost a comma.
Can he create a stone that is not liftable and then proceed to lift it?
Can I just trade in that LLM for the old Firefox please?
Since even all the left-handed people I know use the mouse with the right hand, it’s super weird for me seeing someone using the mouse with the left hand.
Hey, that’s me! Minus the last panel :)
I will never understand this.
Shitting aside, I legitimately think that this is the first step. Think about eating better every now and then without making yourself feel guilty if you can’t do it at times. Adapt your mindset over time. Maybe replace some sides with a healthier alternative or add some healthy snacks. Slowly sneak the better diet in there. If you forget it or knowingly push the better foods away don’t beat yourself up. Just try to continue.
For me this had a way better effect than rapidly changing all my dietary habits at once.
Be a trash panda, eat fast food, as long as you keep healthy foods in mind and keep trying.
Looks like rage bait/ trolling to me.
Ah shit, I lost the cow while rotating it on mobile. Now it’s just grey emptiness with a cow somewhere.
Even when people talk about TFT my mind automatically translates it to Team Fortress 2. People get annoyed, I get a grin on my face.
In a discussion about whether liking trans women is gay or not I said that they are all missing the point. Even if it was the gayest thing on earth, being gay should never be this big of a deal. And it just shows how hard it is for some to overcome the stigma of being gay, even if they are super tolerant in general.
That started a group discussion with a lot of different opinions on that matter.
I find this both, very clever and unbelievably stupid. I love it.
I am lost. Can someone spoonfeed me the meme?
Ich habe eine 5€ LED-Deckenleuchte zu einer Tageslichtlampe umfunktioniert, um mich morgens beim Aufstehen zu unterstützen. Günstiger als der Kram, der extra als Tageslichtlampe vermarktet wird.
Gestern habe ich Pizzateig selbst angerührt und versucht mir damit eine authentisch italienische Pizza zu backen. Der Teig war super dünn, so wie ich es liebe, und das Endergebnis konnte sie sehen und schmecken lassen. Das wird definitiv wiederholt. Bei 8 Pizzen inklusive Belag für ca. 13€ kann man sich nicht beklagen.
Mir sind am Wochenende auf dem Weg zur Tanke 18 alte Trecker entgegengekommen. Eine Ausfahrt, gesammelt als Enthusiasten historischer Landmaschinen klingt für mich toll. Ich habe auch nur in lächelnde Gesichter geguckt. Scheint Spaß gemacht zu haben.