I’m disappointed I didn’t see a piracy parody of this before seeing this. Come on internet.
I’m disappointed I didn’t see a piracy parody of this before seeing this. Come on internet.
Gaming LoFi, Gaming Metal, Gaming Jazz, Space Folk
Nice! I read another of her’s without realizing it: The Loom saga. I enjoyed it and would read more. It seemed a lot less YA, though. So if it lines up to get it again, I’ll see how she handles that audience.
And perfect timing, it’s been a few since I checked on Lemmy.
One of my nephews asks about these sorts of things all the time. It’s a delight that he’s frequently interested in the answer. Usually I have to abstract it by a bit, but he’s smart and will often bring up my answers later.
There ARE people in the world who say, “it’s awful that the only way to make x happen involves suffering. I’ll be respectful of that suffering and try to eventually remove it and minimize other suffering in the process too.”
We just also need to remember that there are also people who say, “If we wanted to be seen as good, we wouldn’t do x in the first place. The fact that y and z causes suffering too is negligible.”
Another thing to remember is that capitalism self-selects for the second type.
This is basically the plot of Sodom and Gamora.
Sounds very little like Shadow and Bone, but good try ChatGPT. Especially after the edit, so might have been an even better try initially.
It sounds like the world of Cinder Spires meets Shadow and Bone with a hint of Golden Compass, but not enough like any of them to remotely be a match.
How was that series? I almost picked it up via Audible sale, but I wasn’t sure at the time. It looked like it could have hit a few different levels of quality.
Adrian. Tchaikovsky. Children of Time.
If you don’t like spiders, he at least makes it hard to hate them.
So when do you think they’ll apply “If any, then none” logic to corporate lobbying, campaign finances, …guns?
Never? Oh, really then.
The suffering is the point.
Genuinely curious:
Is the author saying that ACO and VBC were decent ideas that got UHG’s fingers grafted into the legal structure, or are they just saying that ACO and VBC are bad in general?
And I knew that we had some awful structures within our healthcare system, but I LOATHE UHG and didn’t realize that they OWN our medical system. Disgusting.
Well, I never wanted you to be any kind of model, but here I am.
Thanks! I’m definitely interested in not letting meds be the only tool. I’ve heard countless times that lifestyle changes are much more effective at changing things.
I’m in the phase where I was hoping the spring board would be more noticeable. Right now, I have a marginally better ability to work at work under certain conditions at the cost of focus for the rest of the day (when I’d have an opportunity to work on my own routines-health). It’s also possible that it’s being really effective at just keeping me from drowning in some normal but overwhelming life changes. But it’s still early days. It’s definitely encouraging to hear that others get benefits from a wholistic approach to facing ADHD. Thanks!
I see someone has found the back alley of the Geoff’s Trash Anime restaurant.
Same. Though I’m new to treatment, so maybe there’s still hope! I’ve been trying to play through FFVII (original) lately, but before and after treatment, it’s still a lit to dedicate time to. Other games on my list feel more daunting too, and that builds a rusty-game feedback loop if I’ve already started the game as it’s more daunting the farther I get from them. Might still need some adjustment to dosage or type.
My brain went in reverse once I got treatment, I’d get hooked for hours on these sorts of puzzles and now it’s a bit harder to fall that deep into something. I did all of fez in a weekend and it’s not entirely a weekend game.
For those looking for more. Fez is a delight and a classic in the genre. The very last puzzle is more interesting from a community lore standpoint than actually being a decent puzzle, though. So be kind to yourself on that one.
The update has been queued for about a month on my work computer. No. I won’t do it.
My party went through a low level campaign and killed a dark mage boss in the same dungeon as a flaming skull. A party me came back for a side story later to take on a a necromancer with a flaming skull for a head. They split and attack from all sides.
Lots of pink and teal and spots and sparkles….then that brownish spider. Spiders are awesome, but that one feels a little more redcap fey than tinkerbell fairy.