• 152 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • And a very important section, that does not surprise me at all:

    The low success rate of applications has been put down, in part, to an increasingly number of speculative applications being submitted. Industry reports show a rise in so called “phantom projects” in these cases, developers submit multiple applications for many sites, with the expectation being that very few will connect. These speculative and duplicate applications have seen the connections queue grow, increasing the work needed to progress projects.

    It becomes a sad self-fulfilling prophecy. Applications take a long time to process, so companies fling lots in parallel, then only use the first to get through.
    Which means that applications take even longer to get through.

  • The newer versions are slower, though I don’t know exactly how much by.
    I could definitely feel it when going between 19.4 and 19.5 mid upgrade (unless the quick switch caused the slowness!)

    We’re now federating more (as the newer version supports more things between instances)

    We’re also caching and resizing images too, so the server load is roughly 3 times higher.
    (This may not continue).

    We may do a restart once we’re confident that things are stable. As it’s possible that a little weirdness crept in!

  • GreatAlbatross@feddit.ukOPMtoThe Back End@feddit.uk19.4 upgrade
    6 days ago

    Info is much appreciated!

    Normally, if we had a report like this, we’d just shuffle forwards after running it in the test environment.
    Unfortunately, as there is a DB engine change, I’m expecting all hell to break loose as soon as we start, so it’ll be a few days before I can put the time into it.

  • GreatAlbatross@feddit.ukOPMtoThe Back End@feddit.uk19.4 upgrade
    6 days ago

    I wasn’t aware there were big issues, thanks for letting me know.

    The pictrs upgrade was expected to take a lot longer, so the plan was to put 19.4.1 on when released.
    However, if there are issues at the moment, we can jump a little sooner. I just fancied avoiding some of the 19.4 bugs!

    Friday, possibly? I don’t like to do upgrades unless I can clear several hours in case of shit hitting fan midway through!