It’s also funny, that you got a complete explanation of how perspective works to your previous question; which was actually like a joke question… Talking about perspective…;) (ed)
Hope the other 20.000+ abducted children (bbc) will get to come home too.
Why are his hands bigger than his head?
It’s funny. Probably because he’s like a muppet show figure IRL too, with big hands, but in a bad way.
hope there won’t be any (further) casualties
Stay safe and good luck fighting the good fight. That is taking control of your own future and narrative. I feel that a way to describe freedom, would be the right to make your own decisions and create your own life story.
Aha, so tariffs are straight from " the book".
You mean a strike in USA? Midwest ? Maybe put that in the title. A bit confusing for citizens not living there.
As for methods, copy paste Europe for #how to strike. But your main problem is that you don’t have much unions. Have to start somewhere though!
Tnx for sharing and telling their story.
Could be a way. Maybe in some decades, but not in the short term. Not sure Germany is the best example, as it was relatively recently unified. Unification and Splitting up, can be a charged subject too (Serbia & Moldova; Romania & Transistria etc. etc).
Though splitting up countries in more automous provinces/cantons, would be a big plus for more direct democracy in the future, if and when people and local government can be trusted. which at the moment is a big “if”.
was obvious for anyone with half a brain that the referendums were sham.
Yes sure., But I was talking about the Polls, before the referendums, and a recent one since the illegal annexation.
dominated by a few large member states.
I do agree that the EU should be more democratic, it’s always annoyed me.
You mean France/German EU axis? There’s also a positive discrimination/preference for founding & larger members. But since EU is mainly alot of smaller states and some bigger states, I mean the bigger ones do have more people (and money). How would you even that out?
Seems though times are changing , i e. current Polish EU council presidency ( and their role in leading the House) and also Kallas.
lot of citizens do want an European federation.
Idk, I had assumed that, but negative votes on my lemmy posts, made me think differently… FYI, I did vote for Volt. Most local and international issues make sense. Plus, I specially like the difference in local en eu approach of that party.
edit : according to the 2013 EU barometerinfo in wiki
“44% of respondents support the future development of the European Union as a federation of nation states, 35% are opposed. The Nordic countries were the most negative towards a united Europe in this study, as 73% of the Nordics opposed the idea”
Couldn’t find any more concrete data, just that 40% wants more co-operation in defense and so.
I recently saw several reports on the population of Donetsk & Luhansk. Seems that polls were falsified from the start of the invasion there, and also that right now a big majority of citizens (75%) in that region, wish to join Ukraine again. They now dislike their RuZ liberators. Anyone, seen something like this too?
Edit: This info would probably have impact for the future border RF<> U.A. negotiations. The Krimm shows similar trends, but I imagine most know that already.
one of the reasons why Volt is considered weak is because it’s small and young,
Maybe because they want a sort of (Con) Federation for the EU. I was surprised to see that many citizens don’t seem to want that .
home grown right-wing populists
corrupted traitors, which are mostly foreign subsidised and supported. Let’s not forget that important bit. If they weren’t, they probably wouldn’t never gotten that far, or so I think
" Brics" was named by an US Goldman Sachs banker. Idk, if it really amounts to anything, they probably would have changed their given name. Afaik, it has been mainly been an instrument of China to evade dollar transactions in yuan(renminbi), for the The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative. It’s almost an acronym.
It’s just so bad, but also too weird. Specially after the recent EU court ruling about the EU not protecting privacy for citizens using Facebook to communicate with the EU
We’ve seen war between nuclear nation
Ofcourse, having nukes is not a guarantee, but highly increases deterrence. Also, most wars we’ve seen are cold wars and or proxy wars though.
Ukraine had a huge nuclear arsenal (third in the world), which it then ceded to Russia in the 1994 Budapest memorandum Kyiv post.
I love this allegoric meme. According to the myth, Atlas, a Titan, was condemned to stand at the western edge of the earth and hold up the sky on his shoulders. Thus, he was Atlas Telamon, “enduring Atlas”. He was probably an immigrant too.
YouTube doesn’t show me translation to German or English.
It should, you need to configure auto generated translation via the configuration wheel. Here a YT vid auf Deutsch.
Unfortunately, dutch isn’t a major world lenguage yet ;)
Hope world mods let me keep this post. It is imo worldnews at this point, unfortunately. We are literally non- stop being bombarded with his shit, every damn day on the other side of the Atlantic.