That person at 12:12 that day.
WOOOOAAAAHHH!!! You seeing this shit!?
That person at 12:12 that day.
WOOOOAAAAHHH!!! You seeing this shit!?
Any drug that might be used for abortions, a broad class of vaccinations……
I mean this is how it starts. This is how eventually they tell you what you can and can’t do with your own body.
Before you know it they’ll come after SSRIs, vaccines that have “lead”, any vaccine that might cause injury, elective surgeries that deal with reproduction, and so on.
Because when they know they can get away with this, it makes them bolder in their schemes.
I find it unsurprising but fascinating that the group routinely known for yelling slippery slope is nowhere to be found. It’s like they didn’t give an actual shit to begin with.
I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it — to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities
Yes I too read A Scanner Darkly dipshit. I’m absolutely sure you can’t wait to send people to the New-Path farming commune so that you can profit off of their altered state in hopes that “one day” they’ll be able to rejoin society.
What a fucking dipshit. They just all honest to god want modern slaves. Like good god, there’s no veil to it any longer, they just want free fucking labor.
Fucking CyberTruck like fucking pile of shit website. What kills me the most is that the fucking things they’re screenshoting, those pages have literal “export to XML” buttons that they could fucking export, save the XML to some shared drive that gets swept, and the put it in some actually secure database.
This whole fucking thing reeks of some fucking weeb ass Roblox hackers whose last project consisted of Lua Script emulating some fucking redstone calculator they wrote in Minecraft. And the export fuction on the thing? It’s just one dimension SUM function CSV exports. Literally no other dimenstions of values to add, shit I would be fucking surprised if a single one of the people writing the goddamn have ever heard of OLAP.
And to top it off, we already have a fucking website that does what this fucking place does, but 846 decillion times better. And it doesn’t have a fucking Instagram esque reel of Tweets of people taking fucking screenshots of an open database.
I can’t wait till the next dumbass gets into the White House and turns this pile of grabage off. Paying these idiots millions to power and run the hardware this pitiful excuse of a website runs on. And all we got for that money is some shit that is about on par as the shit you get from some O’Reilly book called “Building a Government Website Crash Course” with a Bald Eagle dying of bird flu on the cover.
This fucking idiot maybe wants to fucking learn what the hell SQL is.
Uline going to prison when? I know, wishful thinking.
Me who was a raging alcoholic as a teen.
“Y’all used humor?!”
Once all of this damage is done there will be people who wonder why they can never get ahead in life. Why so many roads towards wealth have been cut off from them.
The days from the 80s to today, especially this recent event, are what lead to it. But sadly they’ll be so uneducated that even this they will not understand.
Like being in a prison whose walls you cannot see and whose bars you cannot feel. There is no greater wealth than education, no greater poverty than ignorance.
I mean he can sign it, it’s going literally nowhere. But if this ain’t proof that there’s a genuine desire to install a theocracy in the US, then I don’t know what will convince anyone.
The fact that a President even suggests this is a clear tell that some want the US being Iran but with Jesus.
Depends on when the product is shipped. If there’s a part of the process of manufacturing that’s done in the US and TSMC isn’t inside a FTZ, then they have to pay tariffs for that step.
I mean, I don’t know their process. But production outside of foreign trade zones can subject a producer to tariffs before the final product is made. Just kind of depends on how they’re set up.
So we’re not doing anything to actually address any real problems? Gotcha.
VLC for when I just want something to play.
MPV for when I’m ready to speak the voodoo into mpv.config.
Smart thing would be to completely agree with Trump. Get $100T in military might, defeat Russia, get call from US about new rare earth metals, and then just be like “I’m sorry, who dis?”
I mean what are they going to do, invade Ukraine? Didn’t you hear, they got $100T in military supplies to back them up.
Trump always forgetting that some of this shit don’t ROI till way longer than he’ll be around. If Ukraine has any sense, they’ll send a giant gold plate W for Trump’s win, if he promises tanks and planes. They keep saying the wars ongoing for the next fifty years for all it matters. And if the US wants that metal upfront be like, “Yeah y’all come on in and mine it yourselves, don’t let us get in your way.” Then oops, sorry we bombed that, thought it was Russia.
Like Trump thinking he’s walking with some massive upset and it’s just Ukraine court to play ball how they want. Shit yeah Ukraine “agrees” to whatever.
The thing is, Canada has been moving to slow down reliance on US trade for some time now. Y’all remember a pipeline that was supposed to be built but didn’t? Yeah, Canada still remembers that. The US has, in general, become a less reliable trade partner since early 2000s and Canada has been working on the exits for some time now.
In 2023, Canada had a 19.1% contraction of energy products to the United States. That’s about $40B CAD they took a pass on. Trump wasn’t in office then. This, which should be unsurprising to anyone, has been a thing that’s been going on for much longer than Trump. Same deal with Mexico and for that matter the entire world.
South America, the US used to be an absolute juggernaut there in 1999. Today, we’re barely on par with China’s imports into South America in only five countries in South America. The other countries in South America are mostly dominated by Chinese imports. In just twenty-five years we’ve had a massive erosion of trade into South America, that no four year President is going to fix.
The thing is, there’s a clear trend that the United States is going to be in a very different position 75 years from now, than it was in 75 years ago. World War II was a one time deal and the effects of it are slowly ebbing away, that’s just expected.
Now yes, there’s going to be leaders like Trump who throw tantrums along the way. Some of those are just for show. Like this recent one. I hear Republicans talk like “Mexico CAVED!!” And the reality is they just agreed to the exact same terms and conditions they agreed to back in 2019. This was always what was going to happen, but Trump being Trump he makes a show of it.
USMCA is due up for new terms next year. Pretty sure this whole fit Trump is throwing is going to be assuaged by “agreeing” to terms to the new USMCA that Canada was always going to agree to. Again, the vast majority of this is just show and both Canada and Mexico know to play along till they’ve hit the exit fully.
And like the deal being talked here in this article. This whole thing started back in March of last year. And this whole process goes further back. This isn’t some backroom deal Canada signed with Ecuador to say “fuck America”, but main stream media will act like it was. Because it’s fun to keep the poors frothy and eyes off the 1% fleecing us.
The overall trend is from now to 2100, the United States will become more normalized on the international trading markets. It will cease having it’s ridiculous outsized position it’s enjoyed since days of when most of Europe was razed by one crazy guy Elon adores. There’s going to be some who bemoan that fact of life, some who might outright reject it altogether, but eventually it’ll be as immutable as the sun setting in the west (till the Professor from Planet Express causes us to start rotating the other way).
We in the United States are likely to have more tantrums happen, like the one we are seeing, as we continue. That’s just what some are bound to do as we continue down that road of time. And they’re likely going to put on pageantries while they do it. Again this recent Mexico/Canada spat from Trump is a great example of doing the usual dog and pony show Trump is known for.
There are a surprising number of people who have indicated that they would use their baguette summoning powers to carry out assassinations. Here’s me thinking “damn I could honestly help out in countries that are struggling, with this power” like the simpleton I am.
Don’t forget that Trump gets to nominate the next Comptroller in December to a 15 year term that Presidents cannot control. The only manner to get rid of a comptroller is via impeachment.
All the conservative were afraid of the United States going bankrupt that they never thought they’d be the ones bankrupting the country.
Pledging to restore racial purity to the nation’s aviation programs
I thought The Onion was satirical.
The original MOC image can be found here. This image in the post is like the very top of that strip of images.
What we’re seeing here is our brains playing tricks on us. The “top” of the square is just wind swept edge of the crater that’s being imaged. The shadowy line going from the “top” corner to the bottom right corner isn’t even in the original image, it’s an artifact that’s cropped up from the image being transmitted over and over and over again on the internet. Same with our line from the “top corner” to the left corner.
The bottom corner is just some rocks that happen to be in the image as well. You can literally see they are different than the wind swept hills of the crater. I hate that people lack the ability for critical thinking skills. Especially when all of this can be confirmed by a two second Google search.
You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into.
— Genghis Khan (For what it matters for who one is likely saying this to)
Wow what a fucking ghoul. Like there are so few words here that this pile of human garbage deserves and every single one of them is vastly underselling the sheer level of malice this poor excuse for humanity is owed. What an incredibly new low for this failure of evolution to hit and it’s painful to know that we’re still lightyears from the bottom this sack of shit can reach. Wow, I think at this point I wouldn’t be surprised for him to take a literal shit on the grave site of these people.
Just remember the people who left open their DOGE database so that anyone can edit it are going to access seven years of your returns with zero oversight.