Well, it wasn’t a spectacle frame and was a bit more robust and rigid. After printing and as soon as it goes on the nose, it is permanently exposed to UV radiation and external influences.
Well, it wasn’t a spectacle frame and was a bit more robust and rigid. After printing and as soon as it goes on the nose, it is permanently exposed to UV radiation and external influences.
I don’t compare it with asbestos… rather with the plastic you ingest by drinking and eating… or by breathing in the fine abrasion of car tires. You don’t have to add extra plastic to your eyes. So when I break something made of PETG, it has already happened that it splintered. Well, in the end it’s your eyes and I only meant well.
It has been confirmed and proven by the facts - nothing more needs to be admitted. Apart from that… James Clapper has already been forgotten. Who made fun of it and what else was going on… Nothing more had to be admitted.
Others are prepared to invest a lot of money with the knowledge that they are promoting open source. So since companies like Bambu only use open source for their closed source without the cost and without giving back to the open source community, the buyers of closed source actively harm the opensource community. As example Bambu is part of the reason why prusa, for example, is partially moving away from open source. So yes the bambu owners deserve it and I am happy.
Dude you already need glasses so do something good for your eyes and seal the whole thing in epoxy resin or something. It’s certainly not good for your health to get microparticles in your eyes and mucous membranes all the time… If it breaks (e.g. because you have an unfortunate fall or someone accidentally knocks the door in front of your head), there should also be fewer fragments that could pose a risk to the eye if it is sealed. Eyesight is too precious and it doesn’t take much more work, although that wouldn’t be an argument against it anyway, as health should have a higher priority.
Otherwise I can only say: good work. A good printer owner who makes something really useful with the tool.
Open source followers: what are bambulabs fans wondering about? It was clear from the beginning that closed source would end up like this and that the buyers would massively harm the open source community and the 3d print community.
Democrats say good things for the people. Democrats win = Republicans just block everything and embarrass Democrats for it. Republican voters also go without understanding… The main thing is against the “enemy” (i.e. against America…)
Of course the Republicans only build shit and destroy America besides blocking everything good that would benefit the American citizen (you). But it was the Democrats… who accept a democratic election and after defeat. NOT block everything from Republicans. How deluded can you be.
Facts should no longer be admitted or confirmed, which is why they are facts. It would have been different if, for example, some disinformation campaigns had been launched afterwards in an attempt to conceal the facts. So it was accepted, but attempts were made to shift the focus onto the “traitors to the country”… with success… sad that Americans who care about Americans are being hunted by Americans globally.
They also admitted it much earlier, but without the words that actions conveyed instead.
Because you as a Linux user still want to hang on the insecure leash of MS? Or why do you want to be forced to wait for MS again and again? UEFI is still a nasty disease and should be eradicated.
Greetings from Temple OS. The gamers choice for holy gaming.
What the fuck… Really? Holy shit and what the actual fuck. As example ever heard about Snowden? Chelsea Manning? Assange? Unbelievable wtf
Next? I’m sorry, but democracy continues to be dismantled. The train has left the station. Trump already had 4 years of training and now with direct support from Musk… Hate fear and more hate mongering…and Trump is using it… So are accusations of election meddling etc… fuck why hasn’t there been that accusation even from Democrats? That’s it… Its game over.
All those highly secured nuclear secrets or files in the restroom at the golf club… anyone who steals something like that… also steals/cheats in the election. But not 1 accusation… Republicans as well as Democrats don’t want democracy anymore. A convicted highly criminal traitor to the country and enemy of the state becomes president without riots etc… The Democrats who are now just pointing at the Republicans with “I told you so” but not doing a riot or anything else are just as hostile to democracy.
What’s america? Ill just know rusmerica. There is no America.
Yacy Run your own alternative. With the possibility p2p that others find your crawled pages the other way around. Screwed in p2p that you only get results from others but don’t share any yourself. Complete island mode - no p2p takes place and can also be operated offline locally. You control the crawler, the results well just anything.
Chinese propaganda party… you won’t hear anything bad about China there… That people just believe this shit on Red… we will see consequences in near für anyway. People want ww3 so hard that’s just crazy. Like any trump supporter want that Russia get the power of Russmericans nukes.
Is that why it’s so important for you to tell me? Block != start conservation.
I don’t want to contradict that at all. I’m not up to date and only read articles on “IT” sites, but these mostly refer to the fight against F/OSS which is then directed against the emulators. They hardly ever mention action against ROM sites.
Das Spiel wird darauf mit deinem Acc verknüpft und aktiviert damit du dieses nach dem kaufen direkt installieren kannst. Was schon in den AGB’s bei Account Erstellung geregelt sein müsste. Um halt so ein Schwachsinn direkt zu unterbinden. Bei Valve ist es zudem reinste Kulanz. Noch ein Grund warum mich deshalb so ein Verhalten ärgert… da die Leute sich da einbilden wer weiß was an rechten zu haben und solche Themen findet man auch da regelmäßig im Forum. Wie gesagt schon damals als man noch physische Kopien im Geschäft kaufte war Umtausch ausgeschlossen sobald die Folie entfernt wurde da nicht sichergestellt werden kam ob key benutzt oder sonst was. . Der Unterschied beim digitalen findet die Verknüpfung definitiv statt direkt beim Kauf.
Wenn man aber nicht mal mitbekommt wann man zahlungspflichtig kauft läuft etwas gewaltig schief… da entweder PayPal schon verknüpft und benutzt wurde ( das es ohne Weiterleitung funktioniert) somit die Aussage mit dem nicht wissen totaler Quark ist oder aber man erst eine Weiterleitung zu PayPal hat zum bestätigen und da wird dann sich darauf hinweisen.
Ja sind schöne Paragraphen aber viel Spaß beim versuchen. Da wird dann zwar eher die Zurechnungsfähigkeit infrage gestellt aber viel Glück beim anfechten.
Davon abgesehen haben die schon extra die Briefkastenfirmen am genau den Orten… zB Valve in Hamburg… Na viel Spaß dann beim Gericht die bekannt sind für ihre Urteile
I remember that Valve also caused trouble there. https://youtu.be/aRnZrSBK3R4 Since you saw the Yuzu surface briefly.
“President Barack Obama described the programmes as vital to keeping Americans safe and said the US was “going to have to make some choices between balancing privacy and security to protect against terror”. The NSA access was enabled by changes to US surveillance law introduced under President George Bush and renewed under Obama in December 2012.”
We just forget anything right?