Interestingly enough, when Eelohim is used to refer to the Hebrew God in the bible, it takes singular verbs, while it take plural when referring to the gods of the nations surrounding them.
Interestingly enough, when Eelohim is used to refer to the Hebrew God in the bible, it takes singular verbs, while it take plural when referring to the gods of the nations surrounding them.
One of the short o es like al Bayyina?
“Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures.” (QS. Al-Bayyina: Verse 6)
Law prohibits political campaign or election related activities at the cemetery, not photography in general. If their photographs are not used by their campaign officials and trump can reasonably articulate a reason to have been there aside from campaigning, which would be pretty easy, it does not seem there would be any grounds against him. It seems the news reporting on the incident is the primary coverage of the visit.
I am not for outright banning of books, but I am against mandatory reading of certain books for classes. There are some pretty sexually graphic scenes in a number of books not marketed as erotic that I believe have no place in the standard classroom or the elementary school library. A certian section at a public library, sure, but schools, no. It is like those backrooms at blockbuster.
Nope. I actually came up with that on my own after reading the bible. Many “pastors” still preach the whole tithing thing, though.
He never said it was impossible. He clearly says it is hard. When Jesus says to the rich young ruler to sell all he had and give to the poor and follow him, he is not saying to quit your high paying job that made you rich in the first place. He is saying to radically change the way you are living to benifit those around you. We make idols of things all around us. Many make idols of money. Some, though difficult, are able to continue to make a lot of money while simultaneously giving it away for the betterment of those around them. What I was trying to point out is that those who make a lot of money are not the enemy, but those who horde what they have to the detriment of the love of God and man.
There is actually nothing in the bible about giving in accordance to what a “pastor” says. I am not sure where you got that from. While you are correct that the “tithe” as described in the OT no longer applies because we are not giveing to the temple, Jesus’ command is to give freely, abundantly, and sacrificially out if s cheerful heart. The jews at Jesus’ time would have actually given a good bit more than 10% because of the various annual festivals that also required a percent to be given. What they were giving was in support of the upkeep of the temple and the priestly line who was prohibited from working elsewhere. For Christians, there is no priestly line. We have two offices according to the NT, Elder and deacon. Neither of these are entitled to financial compensation because of the title. Where we get that we should compensate them for their work from the command that a laborers should not be without his wages, and many pastors are doing work that amounts to a full time job. The fact of the matter right now is that most “pastors” across the world are bivocational meaning that they hold other jobs if time allows.
What I think is important here, and what is seems many in the comments below are missing out on, is that Jesus says that it is hard, not impossible. Giving all your money away will not suddenly make you a good person, just as never having had money does not mean you are a good person. Jesus charged his followers with living lives of self sacrifice on the behalf of others in all aspects. Annias and saphira did not drop dead because they did not give up their goods but because they lied about it. I know many Christians who have done very well financially and are the most generous people I know. I also know some who are very stingy and uncompassionate with their money. The fact is, those who have more, have more that they have to give up. Those who have less, have less to give up. Each, however, is charged to live in the same manner.
God asks us to give freely and abundantly as he does. This is not forced upon us, though. There is no forcing someone to obey certian things in Christianity. Jesus says that is we love him, we will keep his commands. Those who choose not to keep his commands are demonstrating a greater love for whatever the opposite is at that time. Love involves choice, though. It is not a socialists ideology enforced upon every person. A perfect christian community would look socialistic but would arrive there through the perfect love of one’s neighbors. Unfortunately, we do not live in a world of perfect Christians whose every decision is fuled by the love of others. I would also suspect that many, if not most on here, would have a problem with Christians forcing upon others their beliefs so as to attempt to achieve this. That, however, is what would be happening if someone forced upon others a socialists society without their consent.
The book of leviticus would like to speak to you.
I literally got my diagnosis in one day at my PCP as he went through the DSM 5 criteria and asked some questions about my childhood. It took 30 min and he was not a pill pusher. He does not ever prescribe stimulants. I tried his nonstimulant medication recommendations after feeling the need to have some intervention and they were terrible. When I asked to try a different treatment, he referred me to an in network psychiatrist and things were smooth sailing. The same was true for my two brothers who were also diagnosed as adults and one was diagnosed in another state also at his PCP.
All that being said, I think people make the jump to a psychiatrist too early when they can seek screening at a PCP first. I had to answer a few more questions for onboarding at my psychiatrist, but I never ran into any issues. I also did not have to pay for an ADHD screening because I had already been diagnosed at my PCP.
I am from the US and am living in malaysia at the moment and have traveled throughout South East Asia. I think the issue is not that our homes are built I efficiently, but that we just do not tolerate heat the same way that those in South East Asia do. We could open our windows and doors like they do in asia to create a draft and cool down, but it would still be warmer than we would like. Living in Asia is warmer than we would like in general.
Sounds like me when I found ecclesiasties
There are nice bug nets made specifically to fit around hammocks. You see the sky and not be eaten alive.
I cannot read. When I first looked at this, I read, “I judge a woman by her cover” and was very confused.
They are very popular and actually have quick service once you finally get through the long line. Most of the ones around where I lived switched to two lanes. They were rated as having g the highest quality service for any fast food chain as well.
I think that is is important to note that there is very little real evidence for Christmas being taken from saturnalia. You can google christmas and saturnalia and come up with plenty of web articles, but looking at the actual history of it makes it pretty clear. Christmas takes place around the same time of saturnalia, sure, but that does not make it a Christian stab at replacing it. Saturnalia was traditionally observed between the 17th and 23rd of December, not the 25th. It was a 5-7 day festival, not a one day festival. Additionally, the church is said to have gotten the 25th by taking the day John’s father was told he would have a son (shortly after the day of attonement), the new testiment statement that Elizabeth was 6 months pregnant when Jesus was conceived, and adding 40 weeks to the end for the average pregnancy. This would put Jesus born in late December. This general time line was documented as being calculated as early as CE 200s.
I did not pay attention and thought it was in USD already. Inwas shocked someone would pay nearly $40 a month.
Semi unrelated, but I had no idea that we started using only one strike through the dollar sign more frequently as of recent. I have always written it with 2 and am shook.
From a religious viewpoint, I believe that many theists would would say that their god is perfect and the standard of morality to which everything is compared. Should something waver from this standard, it is immoral. A theist that believes in an unchanging god might then reason that a non theist, or a thiest that believes in a god that changes or is not eternal in its attributes, is not capable of operating under a seperate moral code because their code would be subject to change as they or their god changes. One is capable of acting morally if their actions fall under the fixed code, but their actions would not be moral because of their own seperate code, but because they coincide with the higher code.
Looking back to the example given from 1 Samuel, a Christian would likely reason that the actions of the Hebrew army were moral because punishment of “evil”, as defined by their god, is a moral action. Things are very rarely black and white. While most would say that killing, for example, is not good, it can be justified and moral should the conditions satisfy the proper conditions.
Yeah. Someone else pointed out that I misread 个 as 不。 my darn dyslexia had me confidently reading the charecter and adding a whole stroke.