Am I missing something? Isn’t the current version 4.3?
Am I missing something? Isn’t the current version 4.3?
Yes, the headline feels very disingenuous. They are working with composers from those games… I don’t feel they are going to have the same influence some game designers would have had.
I have heard good things about logseq and the other obsidian alternatives but in the end I never had the opportunity to try them
I think the price is fair from a labour point of view, however, I feel like there may be an issue of offer and demand.
If you are not doing a specific commission (someone asked for it) who is going to buy it? I don’t see many people spending that much money on an utilitarian object where the art, for how nice it is, isn’t going to add much.
You may find someone for which money is not an issue and want something “extravagant” on display in their office, like a lawyer or a doctor. But I think is a small niche.
This also taking into consideration how sturdy the piece is. A regular folder can get damaged pretty quickly, which may put people off from buying it. Which may be doubly so if the art could get scratched or is unprotected.
Looks great. How did you attach the bottom shelf?
I do use git standalone to sync between devices, but not with android. I have tried the plugin and didn’t work well for my workflow
I mean, with the time they took for the first a segond dlc would have been released for the next console cycle. It would definitely be too many systems to support. /s
Not really both Krita and GIMP works mainly on raster images like Photoshop. Illustator is a vector graphic software. The closest foss relative of which would be Inkscape.
The thing is, Photoshop was born as a photo manipulation tool but the drawing functionality has become an industry standard (I think mostly because they give free licenses to students). GIMP is a photo manipulation tool and Krita is a digital painting software. They have overlap but neither of them aim at replacing Photoshop as a whole. GIMP may be the closest match. Krita is more comparable to ClipStudio or Corel painter imo.
I may be old fashioned, but I love to start in a tavern. It’s a place that can have a lot of npcs hanging around that can be introduced and then reappear later in the adventure.
Usually I prefer to start with the party already formed, or have the characters have a connection between each other from before the start of the adventure. Imo it speeds up the initial stages of the game and gives everyone a preexisting reason to be in the party.
I had some pain in the past with players that didn’t want to find a reason for their character to join the party, and asking them to have one as a prerequisite can help to filter too mich edginess from the scene.
I also like to start with combat or some other dangerous situation. I start with some talking and a breef introduction to the aim of the adventure, then have something unexpected interrupt the talking, a fight, then back to the talking.
This is definitely a bummer
That’s fair. To each their own.
I’m not sure I agree. DoS2 mechanic are cool, but the combat becomes way to chaotic for my liking. Also you do one mistake and now half your party is dead and the other half is on fire.
I love starting in a tavern and having some run in in a panic screaming “UNDEEEEEEAD!!” and just drop a horde on the table. No time to think, no time to explain. The story starts later, right now you have to fight for your life together with whomever is able to hold at least a table leg.
I’ve had a wired G502 since 6-8 years so far and it’s holding up like a champ. The functionality is excellent, even if logitech software have given me some issues sometimes. It’s still great. I especially love having a readily accessible modifier key.
Have you seen the film Gattaca? It somewhat explores the theme of DNA as identifier — as well as some interesting associated themes.
The hashing idea works fine imo. However, depending on how advanced or "primitive* the technology would be, it could be pretty trivial to impersonate another person if the only id used is the DNA sequence. A sample of tissue is not dead, and it’s — I don’t want to say trivial but — not that hard to culture it and keep the cells alive.
With our current tech it’s possible to build layers of lab grown skin from the cells of a patient for transplants.
Of course, this may not be a problem for world building. It could be an element intrinsic in it. After all people do steal identities. Or the tech could go deeper and use more information on the individual: DNA, the microbiote, neural patterns, blood vessel, fingerprints, all together.
I think in the end depends also on the tone of the fiction.
I think a bullet may even be faster than a wizard casting protego.
Fork is great. I just wished there was a linux version
Rose… before I go, I just wanna tell you, you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And you know what? So was I!
That’s cool. Thank you for the explanation.